Letterine dei compositori alle loro famiglie

Ecco le letterine che i compositori hanno scritto alle loro famiglie dalla colonia estiva

Arnold Schoenberg:

Dear ma & pa. How are you? I am fine. Love Arnold.
Arnold love, fine am I.
you are how? pa & ma dear. dlonrA evoL .enif ma I
?uoy era woH .ap & am
reaD..read am & ap ?woh era uoy .I ma enif ,evol

Love, Arnie

Philip Glass:

Hello heh heh hello, o-hell o-hell oh ellow ellow
heh heh heh hello mama
mama muh muh muh-mah, ah ah ah ahhhh! Aye aye aye
aye aye yam yam yam yam
Eye yam yam Fie aye aye aye fuh fuh fuh fie un yun
yun yun Hah hah aha hah
ow ow ow wow ow wow ow ow ah hah aha haha are are
are are yuh huh huh huh
yuh you? oooh. oooooh.

Sincerely, Phil

Milton Babbitt:

Dear bi-polar source set,
All members of the aggregate feelings matrix
are demonstrating
maximum congruity with respect to the positive
experiential axis.
With affections invariant under
transposition, Milton.

Anton Webern:

Hello. Hel. H. Olleh. Lo. Fi. I am I Fine.

Pierre Boulez:

Schoenberg is dead.
Q to N

John Cage:






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