Calculations of volumes, areas and circumference 

Area  Circle, Sphere, Cone, Triangle. Parallelogram, Box, Trapezoid.
Volume  Sphere, Cylinder, Cone, Box, Tank with sloping sides
Other   Circumference of circle
Area of a circle 3.1415 x r2
Where r = radius of the circle
Circumference of a circle 3.1415 x d
Where d = diameter of the circle
Volume of a sphere 4/3 x 3.1415 x r3
Where r = radius of the circle
Area of a sphere 4 x 3.1415 x r2
Where r = radius of the circle
Volume of a cylinder / pipe 3.1415 x r2 x h
Where r = radius of the circle
h = height of cylinder / pipe
Volume of a cone 1/3 x 3.1415 x r2 x h
Where r = radius of the circle
h = height of cone
Area of a cone 3.1415 x (r x s) + (3.1415 x r2)
Where r = radius of the circle
s = length of side of cone
Area of a triangle ( w x h ) / 2
Where w = width
h = height
Area of a parallelogram h x l
Where h = height
l = length
Volume of a box w x l x h
Where w = width
h = height
l = length
Area of a box 2 x [(w x l ) + ( l x h) + (h x w)]
Where w = width
h = height
l = length
Area of a trapezoid h x ((L1 + L2)/2)
Where h = height
L1 and L2 = top and bottom lengths
Volume of a tank [(A1 + A2)/2] x h
Where h = height
A1 and A2 = area of top and bottom of tank