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1000 Science Fair Projects with Complete Instructions

Zoology is the study of animals, from tiny ants to giant elephants. By studying zoology, we can learn about the amazing diversity of life on earth and how we can protect it for future generations.
Temperature and Ants
Zoology Science Fair Project
Discover how temperature changes affect ants in this fun science project!
Ants and Acid: A Science Experiment
Zoology Science Fair Project
Have you ever wondered what happens when you disturb an anthill? Find out with this fun science experiment!
Ants in the Dark
Zoology Science Fair Project
Do ants like the dark? Find out by testing the effect of light and darkness on ants in this fun science project!
Ants and Their Food Preferences
Zoology Science Fair Project
Do ants have a favorite flavor? Let's find out by testing different flavors to see which one they like best!
Bird Beaks: What They Tell Us
Zoology Science Fair Project
Ever wonder why some birds have long beaks and others have short ones? Let's find out!
Pesticides and Roaches
Zoology Science Fair Project
Let's find out what happens when we use different types of pesticides on different types of roaches!
Can Fish Tell Time?
Zoology Science Fair Project
Can fish recognize when it's time to eat? Find out by creating a feeding schedule and observing your fish's behavior!
Do Cockroaches Have a Sense of Direction?
Zoology Science Fair Project
Can cockroaches learn? Let's find out by setting up a maze and seeing if they can find their way out!
Crickets and Natural Insecticides
Zoology Science Fair Project
Let's find out which natural insecticide is the most effective against crickets!
Searching for a Common Ancestor
Zoology Science Fair Project
Have you ever wondered how different animals are related? In this science project, you will compare the taxonomy of two animals to find out if they have a common ancestor.
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