
Dark Waters (all 3 acts)
This is the full Dark Waters adventure, now hosted on OneDrive

If you have security concerns or just want to see what's in the file, you can extract it with 7-zip.

Lipsynch Utility
This is a utility I created for myself that allows for easy conversion of 44khz wav files to the format NWN2 supports, along with creating pseudo-lipsynch files as well. Create a directory called c:\nwn2\sound\ and unzip the files in there.

Sample Installer Files
I use a utility called NSIS to create the installers for Dark Waters. Here's a copy of the installer scripts in case anyone wants to use them as an example.


I typically host my main module files elsewhere, with the exception of assorted utilities and the occasional fix (this server sits in my closet and uses a DSL line).