Reveal hidden passwords in all major browsers


Do you, or someone you know, use the browser’s built-in ability to remember passwords to the point that you/they forget what the password actually is? Do you feel held hostage by your browser, praying each night that tomorrow the magical dots will still be there to let you into your mail account? Those little dots that mock you, declaring with each page visit “I know your password, but I’m not going to tell YOU what it is!" Well, my friend, the day of reckoning has come!

Ok, so I went a little overboard there. I’ve written a bookmarklet that will allow you to reveal what is hidden behind your browser’s password mask. Simply drag the following link into your bookmarks. Then anytime you see a password field, you can click your bookmark to reveal the secret password beneath.

This script has been tested in:

  • Internet Explorer 6+
  • Firefox 3.6
  • Chrome
  • Opera 11
  • Safari

Reveal Passwords [Donate]

Having trouble dragging the bookmark?

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