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© 2006


H-ArtHist: H-Net's e-mail discussion list for art history 


What is H-ArtHist?

H-ArtHist is a discussion and information forum for art history belonging to H-Net - Humanities & Social Sciences Online. With more than 60,000 participants in about 90 discussion lists worldwide, H-Net is the largest group of electronic networks in the humanities and cultural studies (for more information see www.h-net.msu.edu).

H-ArtHist is refereed and edited by an independent board, which may also commission contributions. Essential aspects of the editorial board's policies are formulated in the H-Net constitution and by-laws.  

All messages posted by H-ArtHist are stored and can be found on our archive + search page. The archive is free and open to everyone.

In accordance with the editorial lines of major scholarly journals, contributions will be accepted in more than one language: English, French, Italian and German. 


How do I use H-ArtHist?

Subscription to H-ArtHist is free and available to any qualified individual. Those interested are kindly requested to fill in an application form, that allows us to put you in touch with other subscribers whose work is related to yours.  

The subscribers of H-ArtHist will receive regular e-mails, depending on the supply of relevant information and contributions. You can unsubscribe any time, or receive mails in digest form, by simply sending an e-mail to the listserver (see our list of instructions).

If you want to contribute to H-ArtHist, you can contact the editorial board - you don't need to be a subscribing member. 


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