The Comic

Amya is a high-fantasy graphic novel following the travels of a mute spell-touched and her unlikely companions as they are dragged into an adventure that is a little beyond them. Ultimately Amya is a story about self sacrifice for the greater good. It is also a story of how far one will go to obtain unearthly power; even if it includes throwing the world into a mythical war between fate and chaos.

Creative Team

Savannah Houston-McIntyre

Producer / Writer

I was born in the quaint year of 1987; and have been a writer ever since. Alongside the Amya project, I strive to complete two novels I have been developing for a number of years now – as well as expanding my collection of poetry. I am thrilled to be producing this comic and sharing the story with all of you.

I currently live in the magical town of Stratford and love nothing more than to sit by the river and watch the swans go by as I scribble in my notebooks.

Literary Gallery | Twitter


Andrew Hewitt




Rebecca Gunter

The Artist

After completing college in 2007, I began working to fully support myself as a freelance illustrator, and haven’t looked back.

In this time I’ve worked for video game makers, art lovers, roleplayers, t-shirt designers and comic writers. Even though art doesn’t always make for a comfortable living, it has been a dream come true, especially so with projects like Amya. My main goal as an artist is to never stop learning and improving – glory and fame only comes second!

Right now I live in the comfortably cheap and small city of Tallahassee.
