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RST1000 Futura / ETV1000 CapoNord

Re-setting the "SERVICE" Light

1. Remove the seat.

2. On the right hand side (as you face the bars) near the battery you will find two connectors. One each, male and female. The female connector has two grey wires and the male has a blue/green wire. Connecting these two together puts the onboard computer into diagnostic mode. Connect these together, noting their original position for later.

3. Turn on the ignition (don't start the engine).

4. On the right hand instrument panel, "EFI" will now display above the MODE button.

5. Press and hold the MODE button.

6. While still pressing the MODE button, press and hold the SET button.

7. Keep both buttons pressed until the "Service" indicator disappears (seems like a long time, 10+ seconds).

8. Turn off the ignition.

9. Disconnect the diagnostic connectors and place them in their original position.

10. Turn ignition back on to verify "SERVICE" indicator is out and panel displays normally.

11. Replace seat and ride safely.


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