I am a passionate problem solver using computers and I like to think myself as a “Jack of all trades, master of none”. I like it when I am involved in the full lifecycle of the backend of a product. Experience has taught me to be pragmatic, we Engineers have to serve the business needs and sometimes (but only sometimes) we have to cut corners, but technical debt is cumulative and we need to address it soon to avoid technical default (I totally agree with the great Martin Fowler on this issue: https://martinfowler.com/bliki/TechnicalDebt.html).

I enjoy building applications in the FinTech and Gambling domains and I am interested in probabilities and financial markets. I hate being just a worker in the assembly line of a software factory and for every software I design and develop I want to know the business and the rationale behind it.

From 2004-2008 I did research in the analysis of UML class diagrams. I defended my PhD thesis in 2008 and I have since been working in the industry as a Software Engineer. From 2010 until 2019 I was a Java Senior Software Engineer (backend) for Zulutrade, a world-class FinTech company.

In my spare time I enjoy reading technical/financial books (literature was never my thing), working on some Software pet projects (related to FinTech and Machine Learning) and working out/jogging. Almost always I listen to music; the kind depends on the context of what I am doing.

If you are interested in my past research in Model Driven Engineering please please visit my publications page.

Can’t pronounce my name?

You can use my  nickname: “Cyrus”.

Additional Resources:

LinkedIn Profile
GitHub Profile
DockerHub Profile

Page last modified: 01:45 on December 14, 2020 (UTC+2)