Fee Range Fee Range Fee Range
Speaker fees are subject to change without notice. Fees often vary based on a number of factors including: speakers schedule, supply and demand, length of presentation, location of event and other factors. Fee Ranges listed on this website are intended to serve only as a guideline. In some cases, the actual price quote may be above or below the stated range. For the most current fee, please contact your representative or submit a request.

Like any business, speakers fees will fluctuate based on supply and demand. For example, if a speaker launches a new television show, wins an Olympic Gold Medal or is involved in a major newsworthy event, it is not unusual for their fees to change (sometimes dramatically) without notice due to increased demand and limited availability. This is especially true for a personality that has another source of employment and is not primarily a speaker such as actors, athletes, coaches, celebrities, CEO�s, journalists, writers, TV personalities, etc.

Please note that if a speaker has a fee range listed, such as $30,001 - $50,000, it indicates that their fee likely falls within that price range. It does not necessarily mean their exact fee is $$30,001 - $50,000. For example, if a speakers� fee is $47,500, they will appear in the category $30,001 - $50,000. Conversely, if a speakers� fee is $11,500, they will appear in the fee category $10,001 - $20,000.

Many speakers have different fees for local events (some speakers will discount their fee), or may have different requirements for events located on the east coast vs. the west coast. Some athletes or coaches may charge different fees depending on whether it is �in-season� or during their off-season.

Although we strive to maintain the most accurate and updated fee information, speaker fees frequently change without notice. Please contact us with all of your event details and requirements and we will get you the most accurate fee directly from the speaker or celebrity within 24 hours.