Other initiatives

This page presents some initiatives organised by other organisations and institutions in order to mark the 30th Anniversary of Aldo Moro’s death, and in certain cases provides links to websites containing news on the relative events.

Conferences and other public initiatives

An itinerary of initiatives organised by the upper secondary school Liceo “Aldo Moro” of Reggio Emilia, in remembrance of Aldo Moro
See the relative poster

Conference entitled "'Un atomo di verità'. Le lettere dalla prigionia di Aldo Moro" - organised by the Department of Historial and Religious Studies, University"La Sapienza" of Rome - Rome, January 19, 2009.

Conference entitled "I 60 anni della Costituzione Italiana ed il trentennale della morte di Aldo Moro", organised by the Municipality of Ortelle. The Conference took place on December 29, 2008 at Vignacastrisi of Ortelle (LE).

Conference entitled "Aldo Moro nell'Italia contemporanea" (Aldo Moro in contemporary Italy), organised by the Università degli Studi del Salento and by LUISS “Guido Carli” University. Second session: "Aldo Moro nella politica italiana" (Aldo Moro in Italian politics), Rome, 4-5 December 2008

Meeting entitled "A trent'anni dalla morte di uno statista: Aldo Moro" (Thirty years since the death of a statesment: Aldo Moro), organised by the municipality of Marrubiu and the NUR s.n.c. at the Marrubiu Municipality Town Hall, 15 November 2008

Conference entitled "Aldo Moro e la crisi della Repubblica" (Aldo Moro and the crisis of the Republic), organised by Fondazione Istituto Gramsci with the support of the Ministry of cultural heritage, Rome, 23 October 2008

Initiatives in remembrance of Aldo Moro in Milazzo, organised by the Technical Upper School E. Majorana, in cooperation with the Associazione Alzheimer; projection of the documentary film "Nel cuore dello stato" (At the heart of the State), with the participation, among others, of Agnese Moro, Milazzo 15 October 2008

Presentation of the book "Un uomo così. Ricordando mio padre" (A man like that. Remembering my father) by Agnese Moro, within the Conference "L'università luogo di crescita della persona: realtà e utopia" (The university as a place of person's growth: reality or utopia), organised in Catania, 14 October, Bellini Theater, by the Associazione Italiana Docenti di Catania.

Presentation of the book by P. Panzarino "Aldo Moro e le convergenze democratiche"(Aldo Moro and the democratic convergences) , Treviso, 6 October 2008

Meeting in Putignano (Bari) on "Aldo Moro: uomo e politico" (Aldo Moro: the man and the politician), organised by the Associazione Aldo Moro of Putignano, with the participation, among others, of Rocco D'Ambrosio, Mino Martinazzoli and Agnese Moro, Putignano, 22 September 2008

Event for naming the “Corese” higher education institute after Aldo Moro, and relative round table discussion, Passo Corese, 9 September 2008

Presentation of the book by Agnese Moro called "Un uomo così. Ricordando mio padre" (A man like that. Remembering my father), organised by the Università Popolare of Roma, at the Sala Consiliare of the town hall of Ladispoli, 12 July 2008

Open competition of the Regione Lazio called "Storie della nostra storia: Aldo Moro e gli anni di piombo" (Stories of our history: Aldo Moro and the terrorist years), in order to commemorate the 5th Day of National Values of the Republic by assigning scholarships to upper secondary and university students. Award ceremony on 8 July 2008 in Rome.

Presentation of the books:" Il sequestro verità. I buchi neri del delitto Moro" (The truth on the kidnapping. The black holes of the Moro murder), Kaos publishers, by Roberto Bartali, Giuseppe De Lutiis, Sergio Flamigni, Ilaria Moroni and Lorenzo Ruggiero; and "Centro Documentazione Flamigni. Un archivio per non dimenticare" (The Flamigni Documentation Centre. An archive lest we forget), Sette Città publishers, edited by Ilaria Moroni. Besides the authors of these volumes, other speakers are Carlo Felice Casula and Leonardo Musci. An initiative organised by the municipal authorities of Oriolo Romano and by the Centro di Documenazione Archivio Flamigni, on 21 June 2008 in Oriolo Romano.
See the relative poster

Study day entitled "In ricordo di Aldo Moro" (Remembering Aldo Moro), organised by the Department for the Study of Criminal Law, Criminal Trial Law and Philosophy of Law of the University of Bari “Aldo Moro”, Faculty of Law, Bari, 20 June 2008
See the relative poster

Initiative on Aldo Moro organised by Senator Francesco D'Onofrio: Faculty of Political Sciences, La Sapienza University of Rome, 17 June 2008

Meeting on Aldo Moro in Suzzara (Mantova) on 16 June 2008

Conference entitled "Aldo Moro nell'Italia contemporanea" (Aldo Moro in contemporary Italy), organised by the Università degli Studi del Salento and by LUISS “Guido Carli” University. First session: "Aldo Moro e le relazioni internazionali dell’Italia" (Aldo Moro and Italy’s international relations), Lecce, 12-13 June 2008
See the relative poster

Discussion of Giovanni Bianconi’s book "Eseguendo la sentenza" (Carrying out the sentence), with the participation of the author and of Emanuele Macaluso, Mino Martinazzoli, Giuseppe Pisanu, Antonio Zaniboni, Mantova 30 May 2008. Organised by the municipal authorities of Mantova and by the associations Incontri della Abbazia, Prospettiva, Amici del dialogo and the Giuseppe Rossetti Centres of Lombardy

Conference entitled "Violenza e storia d'Italia. Conflitti e contaminazione ideologiche nel secondo '900" (Violence and the history of Italy. Ideological conflicts and contamination in the latter half of the 20th century), organised by the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Macerata. Macerata, 22-24 May 2008

Initiative on Aldo Moro by the Associazione Giuristi Cattolici, in Trani on 24 May 2008

Viewing of a documentary on Aldo Moro and the presentation of a publication on Aldo Moro in Taranto, Taranto, 23 May 2008, organised by the social promotion association La Bottega delle Idee

Meeting on Aldo Moro organised by the Centro Territoriale Permanente per l'Educazione degli Adulti of Andria and by the municipal authorities of Andria, 23 May 2008

Commemoration of Aldo Moro in San Marino, 22 May 2008, organised by the President of the Republic of San Marino and by Mino Martinazzoli

Meeting on Aldo Moro in Fano, 22 May 2008, organised by Mino Martinazzoli

Initiative in memory of Aldo Moro at the University of Bari, 18 May 2008, organised by the parliamentary deputy Hon. Pisicchio

Conference and other initiatives on the 30th Anniversary of Aldo Moro’s death, Torrita Tiberina, 17 May 2008

Initiative in occasion of the conclusion and awarding of the "Obolon 2007 Project - Il teatro incontra la scuola incontra il teatro", promoted by the Upper Schools G.B. Grassi of Terracina, Darby of Latina, Pacifici De Magistris of Cisterna, Corradini of Sezze, Leonardo da Vinci of Latina, "Se ci fosse luce - rivisitazione del caso Moro. Storie di ieri, giornalisti di oggi" (If there were light - a reconsidering of the Moro's affair. Stories of yesterday, journalists of today), with the participation of Agnese Moro, Istituto G.B. Grassi of Terracina.

Meetings of the Associazione Libera in cooperation with the municipal authorities of Cologno Monzese on Aldo Moro, 14-15 May 2008

Meeting entitled "A trent'anni dalla morte di Aldo Moro: Gli echi degli anni di piombo nella nostra storia recente" (Thirty years from Aldo Moro’s death: Echoes of the terrorist years of our recent history), Ancona, 14 May 2008, organised by the CISL trade union of Ancona

Presentation of the book "Aldo Moro, lettere dalla prigionia" (Aldo Moro, letters from captivity) at the Faculty of Sociology University of Urbino , 14 May 2008

Rome, 13 May 2008: Ceremony for naming the Sala Gialla of the Italian parliament building of Montecitorio after Aldo Moro. The Speaker of the Chamber of Deputies, Gianfranco Fini, unveiled a plaque bearing Moro’s name along with a dedication by the Speaker and by the parliamentary deputies of the 16th legislature, dated 9 May 2008

Photographic and documentary exhibition on Aldo Moro, set up by the municipal authorities of Torrita Tiberina from 9 to 17 May 2008

Ceremony commemorating remembrance day in the Quirinal Palace – Rome, 9 May 2008
Read the speech by the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano

Ceremony commemorating Aldo Moro with a Mass at the S. Bernardino Basilic Church in L'Aquila, headed by the FUCI central spiritual assistant, Mons. Domenico Sigalini, and the Archibishop of L'Aquila Mons. Giuseppe Molinari, during the FUCI national congress, L'Aquila, 8-11 May 2008

Ceremony commemorating Aldo Moro of the city council of Terracina, 9 May 2008

"Aldo Moro un nostro studente, un nostro docente" (Aldo Moro, our student and our teacher), naming the University of Bari after Aldo Moro, 9 May 2008
Read the press review
Read Agnese Moro’s message

Initiative dedicated to Aldo Moro in Taranto, 9 May 2008

Meeting of spirituality and Holy Mass on the 30th Anniversary of the murder of Aldo Moro and of the five men of his escort: Oreste Leonardi, Raffaele Iozzino, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera and Francesco Zizzi, at the Santuario delle Grazie (Grazie di Curtalone), Mantova, 9 May 2008

Friday, 9 May 2008, day of remembrance of the victims of terrorism. The city of Bari commemorated Aldo Moro thirty years after his murder along with the men of his escort

Friday, 9 May 2008, day of remembrance of the victims of terrorism. The city of Padua commemorates Aldo Moro with a public meeting and concert
Read the invitation

Meeting: "Aldo Moro un testimone della democrazia" (Aldo Moro, a witness of democracy), Circolo Aldo Moro of Genoa, 9 May 2008

Initiatives of Civitas on 9-10 May 2008

Meeting: "Aldo Moro: la lancia e il soffio – A trent'anni dal fratricidio che ha deviato la storia d'Italia" (Aldo Moro: the lance and the gust – Thirty years after the fratricide which deviated the history of Italy), Benevento, 8 May 2008, promoted by the Associazione Ditaubi

Meeting:"Aldo Moro: memoria per il futuro" (Aldo Moro: memory for the future), Castel Sant'Angelo of Rieti, 8 May 2008

Presentation of the book by Agnese Moro "Un uomo così. Ricordando mio padre" (Aman like that. Remembering my father) , Laterza, 7 May 2008, organised by the parish of Santa Croce and by the Azione Cattolica of Laterza

Pray meeting organised by the FUCI in remembrance of Aldo Moro, thirty years since his murder, Rome, via Caetani, 6 May 2008

Round Table organised by Associazione Polis entitled "La lezione di Aldo Moro" (The Aldo Moro's lesson), Centro Don Orione of Rome, 6 May 2008

Meeting: "Mino Martinazzoli ricorda Aldo Moro" (Mino Martinazzoli remembers Aldo Moro), Crema, 5 May 2008
Read the relative article

Conference and ceremony for the unveiling of three sculptures dedicated to Aldo Moro, Oreste Leonardi, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera, Raffaele Iozzino, Francesco Zizzi, Antonio Custra and Guido Rossa, and of a ceramic mural dedicated to all the wives and children of the victims of terrorism, Ari, 4 May 2008, organised by the municipal authorities of Ari and by the Emilio Alessandrini cultural association

Meeting of the fourth grade pupils of the primary school of Bottaiano – Istituto comprensivo “Falcone e Borsellino” of Offanengo, and of some of their parents and teachers on Aldo Moro and the five men of his escort, Oreste Leonardi, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera, Raffaele Iozzino and Francesco Zizzi, in Rome on 5 May 2008

Homily and Holy Mass on the 30th Anniversary of Aldo Moro’s death, at the Santuario Madonna dei Lumi, Alberici, Montemarciano, 3 May 2008

Conference entitled Laicità e democrazia nel pensiero e nell'opera di Aldo Moro (“Secularism and democracy in Aldo Moro’s thinking and work”), organised by the Regione Marche on the occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Moro’s death. Ancona, 3 May 2008

Ceremony for commemorating and conferring honorary citizenship to Eleonora Chiavarelli, Municipality of Montemarciano (Ancona) in cooperation with the Regione Marche. Montemarciano 2 May 2008

An itinerary of reading and reflection regarding Aldo Moro’s journalistic writings, organised by the municipality of Castelnuovo Bariano (Rovigo) at the Civic Museum of San Pietro Polesine for the whole month of May 2008

Commemorative meeting entitled "Aldo Moro a 30 anni dalla morte" (Aldo Moro, 30 years after his death), Benevento 30 April 2008, organised by the Centro Studi del Sannio

Seminar entitled "Moro a tutto campo" (Moro, at 360 degrees), organised by the University of Bari within the initiative entitled "Schermi d'inchiesta" (Screens of enquiry). Bari, 29 April 2008

Seminar and Round Table on the theme of teaching the Italian Constitution in the school of autonomy, in memory of the President of the Republic Decree no. 585 of 13 June 1958 signed by Aldo Moro, which introduced civic education teaching in schools, Rome 29 April 2008, organised by the UCIIM and by Okeanos

Liberation celebration in memory of Aldo Moro and of his escort, in Barbara-Ostra Vetere (Ancona), 25 April 2008

Meeting on "Aldo Moro: Padre, Cattolico, Statista a 30 anni dalla barbara uccisione" (Aldo Moro: Father, Catholic and Statesman, 30 years after his barbarous murder), Altamura 21 April 2008, organised by the Azione Cattolica Italiana - Parrocchia di San Michele Arcangelo of Altamura

Reading of Ottaviano Giannangeli’s poem "Per l'assassinio della scorta e di Moro" (For the murder of the escort and of Moro), organised by the “12 luglio” cultural association of Pescara, 20 April 2008

Meeting entitled "In memoria di Aldo Moro 1978-2008. I caduti per la causa di servizio e la memoria della Repubblica" (In memory of Aldo Moro 1978-2008. The fallen for the cause of duty and the memory of the Republic), organised by the International Association Lions Clubs – District 108 Toscana

Conference entitled "Omaggio ad Aldo Moro, 1916-1978 e agli uomini della scorta Raffaele Iozzini, Oreste Leonardi, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera e Francesco Zizzi" (Homage to Aldo Moro, 1916-1978, and to the men of his escort: Raffaele Iozzini, Oreste Leonardi, Domenico Ricci, Giulio Rivera and Francesco Zizzi), organised by the Anassilaos cultural association, Catanzaro 29 March 2008

Naming of the Torrita Tiberina school after Aldo Moro – ceremony on 19 March 2008

Conference entitled "Gli anni di piombo - L'uccisione di Aldo Moro e Guido Rossa - L'agguato fascista a Benedetto Petrone" (The terrorist years – the murder of Aldo Moro and Guido Rossa – The fascist ambushing of Benedetto Petrone), Bari 17 March 2008, organised by the IPSAIC - Istituto Pugliese per la Storia dell'Antifascismo e dell'Italia Contemporanea and by the Associazione Memoria Condivisa

Meeting on Aldo Moro of upper secondary students of the Liceo Classico “Giovanni Pantaleo”, the Liceo Magistrale and Liceo Scienze Umane "G. Gentile" of Castelvetrano, 14 March 2008, within the legality education project

Conference entitled "Il delitto Moro: golpe internazionale o terrorismo italiano?" (The Moro murder: an international coup or Italian terrorism?), Cento, 14 March 2008

Presentation of F. Alfano’s book "Tutto sia calmo" (Let everything be calm), Rome 14 March 2008

Presentation of the book "Anni settanta" (The seventies) by G. Moro, organised by the Regione Marche in occasion of the 30th Anniversary of Aldo Moro’s death, Ancona 13 March 2008

Conference entitled "Aldo Moro - Fermezza e trattativa trent'anni dopo" (Aldo Moro: Firmness and negotiation thirty years later), Rome 13 March 2008

Presentation of G. De Lutiis’ book "Il golpe di via Fani" (The Via Fani coup), Casalecchio di Reno, 11 March 2008

Conference entitled "Pensieri lunghi, tempi nuovi. 1978-2008. Aldo Moro 30 anni dopo" (Long thoughts, new times, 1978-2008, Aldo Moro 30 years later), Rome 28 February 2008

Meeting entitled "Figli d'arte - Maria Agnese Moro: Aldo Moro mio padre2 (In her father’s footsteps – Maria Agnese Moro: Aldo Moro, my father), Soverato 20 February 2008. Organised by the Koiné study centre and the department of culture of the municipality of Soverato

Round Table on Aldo Moro in the Assemblea Regionale del Triveneto of the FUCI. Trento, 16 february 2008

Meeting on Aldo Moro promoted by the Associazione Vittime della Strage at the Scuola Media Superiore of Brescia, 8 February 2008

Meeting entitled "Schegge di memoria. Per la memoria, i diritti umani e la pace" (Pieces of memory. For remembrance, human rights and peace), Trani 25-26 January 2008. Organised by the Istituto di Istruzione Secondaria “G. Bono”, by the Trani section of the FIDAPA, by the Lions Club Giustino Rocca and Lions Club Trani Host

The counter-30th Anniversary, 28 January 2008

Presentation of G. Moro’s book "Anni settanta" (The seventies), Castenedolo 21 January 2008

Centro studi politici "Aldo Moro" of Terlizzi

Reprints of the book "Aldo Moro nella cultura e nella società italiana" (Aldo Moro in Italian culture and society), promoted by the Regione Marche

Performances and other initiatives

Homage to the memory of Aldo Moro by the Società Italiana per la Organizzazione Internazionale. Publication of the inaugural address in the SIOI course "Responsabilità dell'educazione per lo sviluppo dell'uomo e della società" (Responsibility of education for the development of man and of society), made in Brindisi on 18 October 1975, in: La Comunità Internazionale, vol. LXIII - no. 2, 2008

Creation of two CDs containing materials made by students of the Istituto di Istruzione Superiore "Corese" on "Aldo Moro e gli anni di piombo" (Aldo Moro and the terrorist years).

Performance entitled "Mia dolcissima Noretta ..." (My Sweet Noretta…). The agony of Aldo Moro from the prison of the people. Terrorism and death between history and narration. Dramaturgy and direction by Marco Filatori. Teatro del Battito, Milan, 18 May 2008

Performance entitled La memoria e/è il canto (“Memory and/is the song”). The fourth edition in memory of Aldo Moro, Basilica dei SS. Medici, Bitonto 5 May 2008

Conference and performance of the opera in four acts "Non guardate al domani" (Do not look to tomorrow) on Aldo Moro’s letters from captivity, promoted by the Associazione Sentieri selvaggi, Milan, 28 April 2008

Performance "Per Aldo Moro - La pietà non era contemplata" (For Aldo Moro – Mercy was not contemplated), a profane cantata in four parts, as well as a talk-show by Sergio Licurzi and music by Paolo Furlan, organised by "La posta in gioco" cultural integration association

Performance entitled "Se ci fosse luce. I misteri del caso Moro" (If there were light. The mysteries of the Moro case), "Le Colonne" theatre company, written and directed by Giancarlo Loffarelli
Read the relative invitation

Theatrical performance on Aldo Moro written and played by a youth group, Vittorio Veneto, 4 April 2008