Psyco Motor Approach - Creative life center


Psyco Motor Approach - Creative life center


This Course is both practical and theoretical. After attending a number of practical and theoretical workshops, the students will be able to start their Apprenticeship Program under the supervision of the psicomotricita' instructors Gianfranco Alberini and Susi Alberini. After having attended at least two theoretical sessions, the students may begin their observation practice for a total of eight hours. When the eight hours of observation is completed, the students can organize, in writing, their observations. The Practical Training with a Certified Educator consists of assisting and learning from a Certified Educator while he/she leads a Psicomotricita' class for 10 sessions. This is a precious experience for learning more practically how to facilitate a Psicomotricita' class.  During their Apprenticeship, the students will be leading ten psicomotricita' sessions of one hour each while working with a group of young children.

A final paper may either consist of a very detailed description of the observations done, or of a particular psychomotor project. Creative projects are welcome, since the "Body Studio" approach for Psicomotricita' focuses on creativity and self-expression.. We offer a flexible schedule, which allows you to be certified later than within a year if your schedule can't allow you to participate in the final Summer Institute in Italy. In case you will not be able to go to Italy, the final exam and an additional workshop will be offered in Newport, USA during the Summer.

After registration, you will be able to participate, at discounted fees, to any of the workshops presented at the Creative Life Center. Deadline for Course registration is three weeks before the first class begins, although students may be accepted until September 1st. A minimum of 12 people are needed to proceed with the program.

WORKSHOPS LOCATION = Most classes of the Certification Course will be held at The Gym, located in 32 Pemberton Ave. Jamestwn (Rhode Island).

During the Summer Institute in Italy, the accomodation and one psicomotricita' workshop are sponsored by the "Body Studio" Center of Reggio Emilia. The costs of other workshops, like creating a mask or cultural field trips to North Italian cities are not included. The students will be informed in due time about the detailed program of the Italian stay, the dates and eventual costs of the elective activities. Prior to graduation the candidate will be invited to present her final paper before a commission of Psicomotricita' professionals.

Certification  Course for Psicomotricita' Educators

INSTRUCTORS: Gianfranco Alberini, Susi Alberini.


Cap. 1 History of Psicomotricità approach

" Two main trends of psicomotricità "

  • Educational and therapy
  • Evolutionary phases of Psicomotor therapy
  • the Psicomotricist profession in France and in Italy

Cap.2 " Body Studio" Psicomotricità approach of Reggio Emilia

  • Approach
  • Areas of Psicomotricità
  • Reminder for the psicomotricità Educator

Cap.3 Psichomotor development of the child from birth to three years of age

  • Development
  • Piaget's Stages of development
  • Physical development
  • Skills development, hints/reminders

Cap.4 Non-verbal comunication

  • Non-verbal cominication in everyday life
  • What is relaxation?
  • Body lenguage
  • Body of knowledge

Cap.5 Psychomotor's observation

  • Observation
  • Parameters for observation
  • Observation pattern "Body Studio" approach

Cap.6 Touch and holding deatouchement

  • Rock-a-bye your baby
  • Needs of the under fives
  • If children live with acceptance, they learn to love
  • Article's Winnicot
  • Power of empathy

Cap.7 Creativity-Evolution of a scribble

  • Articles
  • Celebrating over creativity
  • Body work and counseling

Certification Course

  • Important steps to remember for Apprenticeship
  • Suggested Readings
  • Opinion's of our students