If you are already registered to add events, just click here.

You can add or contribute basic listings to Bachtrack free of charge – and we encourage everyone who puts on classical music, opera or dance events to do this. In addition to this free service, we provide several paid-for advertising options which will give you more visibility.

To add event listings and/or to buy advertising, we need to give you permission: this may take us up to 48 hours.

Once they are live on Bachtrack, all listings in London will also transfer to our sister site One Stop Arts within around one working day. This is also a free service, though there are further paid-for options available on One Stop Arts as well.

Adding events

To apply to add events, please register. Tick the check box on the registration form which says "Input events", and please also fill in the box below, titled "Who for", to tell us what it is you'd like to add to the site (e.g. events for a particular artist, venue, festival, music society, etc.) and in what capacity (e.g. if you're the promoter, an artist, an agent, or for any other reason). If you're already a registered user, please just contact us.

We will check that there's no problem with this (such as a clash with someone else who is already inputting the same events), and we'll get back to you by email as soon as we can.

There are several ways you can add events. You can add events without booking links, free of charge (more information here), or select one of our paid-for options to help promote your events further. Please contact us for more information on this.

Page advertising

We offer regional and worldwide options for page advertising to our very targeted audience, 46% of whom attend at least three classical events every month. Our prices are highly competitive: please contact us to learn more.


Please ensure that you have read and understood our commercial terms and conditions. For prices please contact us.