The Barrow-Downs
Lord of the Rings
Personality Test

Answer the following by indicating which what you might do in each situation. There are 5 dots on each question, so carefully select the one that most closely shows how you might react. Be sure to answer them all or you'll not like the answer you get :)

You are walking along the East Road near Bree and are suddenly attacked by two orcs.
Would you be more likely to:
Run away
Stand and defend


You find yourself on Maggot's land and stumble upon a bunch of mushrooms.
Would you be more likely to:
Take them all
Eat a few

Pass them by

You've looked into the Palantir and safely returned it to Gandalf, but the next morning the wizards demands to know who touched the artifact while he slept.
Would you be more likely to:
Deny guilt
Remain silent

Admit your sin

You just lost 50 silver pennies to Bill Ferny in an obviously crooked card game.
Would you be more likely to:
Accept your losses
Demand a refund

Attack Ferny

Frodo dropped the One Ring and you picked it up.
Would you be more likely to:
Put it on
Keep it

Return it to Frodo

The Mouth of Sauron just made a joke about your mother.
Would you be more likely to:
Attack him
Insult him

Insult his horse

You are stranded in a blizzard on Caradhras and forced to make a terrible decision for survival.
Would you be more likely to:
Eat Bill the Pony
Nibble on lembas


You are praised as the saviour of Middle-earth at the Field of Cormallen.
Would you be more likely to:
Humbly deny it
Give a speech

Write a book

Elrond uses a split infinitive during the Council of Elrond.
Would you be more likely to:
Not notice
Tell him later

Loudly correct him

You are given a choice of gift from Galadriel.
Would you be more likely to choose:
A fish
A useful item

A memento

You see several elves step out of the woods on the path ahead of you.
Would you be more likely to:
Stand in awe

Run to them

After a long night of feasting and tale telling...
Would you be more likely to:
Go to sleep
Have another pint

Never sleep

You see a chance to make a profit from the misfortune of others.
Would you be more likely to:
Take it
Ignore it

Aid that person