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nothing is impossible!!!!

Friday, February 19, 2010

How to upgrade firmware on Dell DRAC?

DRAC stands for Dell Remote Access Controller. The DRAC on current models is a separate chipset and board that is connected to the server main board with its own network interface as well as a direct configuration accessible during system initialization.

DRAC has a default TCP/IP address and can be change during system initialization

I found dmidecode currently does not return any information about DRAC card on the system. If you have system tag with you can check online if systems include DRAC card.
* Put you system tag here,
* Click on "Original System configuration"
* Search for "DRAC"

Here is firmware upgrade process.

* Download the firmware for your system, In my case it was Power Edge 2950 system. I found firware versions here.

* Download windows zipped exe file and extract it.There should be only one file named "firmimg.d5".

* Copy the same to your tftp server at /tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/ location. (Can share it and mount on tftpserver or use WinSCP to copy files to remote unix system)

* Login to drac server using the IP assigned to DRAC.
Before upgradation firmware version

[root@npatil ~]# ssh drac-ip
root@drac-ip's password:

Dell Remote Access Controller 5 (DRAC 5)
Firmware Version 1.0 (Build 06.05.12)

$ racadm fwupdate -g -u -a tftpserver-ip-address -d firmimg.d5
Firmware update completed successfully. The RAC is in the process of
resetting. Please wait up to a minute for this to complete.

Please do not make any changes in DRAC configuration while doing firmware upgradation.

It may disturb upgrade process.

After upgradation Firmware Version

[root@npatil ~]# ssh drac-ip
root@drac-ip's password:

Dell Remote Access Controller 5 (DRAC 5)
Firmware Version 1.20 (Build 07.03.02)

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