Blonde Guy

My Ideal Job

My ideal job Blonde Guy is a sole proprietorship run from my home office. Compared to a larger business, I have lower expenses and I'm focused on OS/2 and eComStation support. I have created an efficient development lab with DSL internet access, web servers, and my favorite programming tools.

I handle most aspects of the business. When you deal with Blonde Guy, you know that I'll be doing the work, not someone less experienced. I can spend more time solving customer problems, because I don't need to commute.

Most OS/2 consulting houses have moved on to other platforms, but I'm staying with the OS/2 platform because it is my favorite. My best customers have OS/2 software that has worked for years, and it is not economical to move their software to another platform. I can provide this kind of customer the OS/2 support he needs quickly and at a fair price.

I love to work with smart people.

Between assignments, I'm developing the Blonde Guy OS/2 Information web site. I've written a bit about the process of building the web site. I work with designers for graphics and layout. I code the back end pieces in Java using IBM WebSphere. I've written the front end with HTML, Javascript and a few Java applets. I'm hosting the site on an OS/2 server running Lotus Domino Go Webserver.

Office Resources

Last Modified: 2 Jan 2013
Graphics by Colorful Language
Copyright 2013 by Blonde Guy