mes etoiles interactive wall

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Mis Estrellas, (Mes Etoiles, ME)
Hernando Barragán + Andrés Aitken.

“La luz eléctrica escapó a nuestra atención como medio de comunicación precisamente porque no tiene contenido”
— Marshall McLuhan.

La luz tiene cualidades contemplativas muy fuertes, así pues la capacidad de llamar nuestra atención. ME es una pared interactiva que responde a la proximidad de las personas brindado una respuesta luminosa sobre su superficie. Este efecto mágico de acercarse a la pared activa constelaciones conformadas por cientos de puntos de luz blanca que aparecen sobre la superficie translúcida debido a los sensores que detectan su presencia, generando a su vez la impresión de estar dibujando con la luz. La gente puede entonces usar las paredes para expresarse, jugar, comunicarse o realizar creaciones colectivas sobre su superficie usando su cuerpo como instrumento. Las limitaciones inherentes de la baja resolución buscan estimular nuevas formas de auto-expresión y comunicación brindando la posibilidad de que lenguajes más simples emerjan. Con ME la estructura espacial es trascendida en el espacio de una pared luminosa, influenciando la topología del espacio afectando y alterando las relaciones entre las personas al rededor. Personas que estén cerca, se verán de repente envueltas en nuevos tipos de interacción que antes no eran posibles o apropiados, estimulando las exploraciones sociales. Este contacto a pesar de ser mediado puede llegar a romper las barreras espaciales y sicológicas que se presentan entre las personas que comparten un espacio en un momento dado.

ME fué seleccionada por la Gwangju Biennale Foundation para ser exhibida como parte de “Life: Link to the Future” junto con un grupo de diseñadores contemporáneos renombrados de la escena internacional del diseño, entre ellos: Ingo Maurer, Vito Acconci/Acconci Studio, Prof. Reza Abedini, Architecture for Humanity, One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) projects by Professor Nicholas Negroponte, David Trubridge, Hussein Chalayan, Droog Design, Morris Sato Studio LLP.+ DuPont™ Corian® , Flos, Venini, Samsung, LG and Renault motors.



Mis Estrellas, (Mes Etoiles, ME)
Hernando Barragán + Andrés Aitken.

“The electric light escapes attention as a communication medium precisely because it has no content”
— Marshall McLuhan.

Mes-Etoiles, is an interactive wall that responds to the presence of people by displaying feedback on the wall as light patterns. Equipped with sensors which could sense the viewers´ motions, the constellation composed of several hundreds of white light spots on the semi-transparent surface becomes activated as the audience approaches closer. Displaying mysterious effects, this work gives an impression as thought one is drawing pictures with lights. People use their bodies as tools to shape the wall, enjoy the experience and communicate. Through such mutual action and response, a completely new creation is born on the wall surface by the audience becoming the master of creation through the new self expression and stimulating the communication aided and mediated by technology. The space structure is transformed by giving and taking effects to the relationship between the surrounding people. The instantaneously-changed space topology tears down the spatial and psychological boundaries existing between people and involves them in a completely new form of interaction. The low resolution is intended to stimulate new and simpler languages to emerge. This activity goes over and beyond the boundaries of media, arts, architecture and design, and new and unfamiliar social tension relationship is created continuously. In this era of technology is it possible to organize new human relations, stimulate and induce relationships between technology, human and society in a more meaningful and enjoyable way?

ME was selected by the Gwangju Biennale Foundation to be exhibited under the theme of “Life: Link to the Future” with other renowned contemporary designers and groups of the international design scene. “Mes-Etoiles has great value satisfying both design society and the public”

GWANGJU BIENNALE FOUNDATION, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Government Information Agency, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs, Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Energy, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Construction and Transportation, Korea Customs Service, Jeolla Namdo, Korea Institute of Design Promotion, Korea Foundation of Design Associations, Arts Council Korea, Korea Culture & Content Agency, Korea Trade-Investment Promotion Agency, the Federation of Korean Industries, Korea Chamber of Commerce, Korea Federation of Small and Medium Business, Samsung Electronics, LG Electronics