Map.GIF (58374 bytes) Maps of Belarus

Belarus is a country of 10 million people in the Eastern Europe. It is landlocked between Russia, Poland, Ukraine, Latvia and Lithuania some 100 miles South-East of Baltic Sea. Here are some recent CIA maps of Belarus stored in the library of the University of Texas.
Political map of Belarus (1997)
Shaded relief map of Belarus (1997)

Minsk - the capital of Belarus
Interactive on-line map of Minsk - sort of Yahoo maps
Large scale Minsk auto road map
Minsk Metro (subway) map according MetaSubway

Automobile road maps of Belarus
North (Vitsebsk)
North-West (Hrodna-Vilnius region)
Central, Eastern and South-Eastern (Minsk, Mahilyow and Homel)

Railway Road Maps of Belarus
North (Vitsebsk)
North-North-West (Lida-Vilnius region)
North-West (Hrodna region)
Central, Eastern and South-Eastern (Minsk, Mahilyow and Homel)
Minsk suburban trains map and 2005 schedule, also 2005 long distance train schedule

Historical maps of Belarus

Chernobyl Radioactive Contamination of Belarus
The map of radioactive contamination from CIA at  University of Texas

Also this Chernobyl radioactive contamination map (click to  see larger image):



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