
Live performance archives

The Concert Chronology holds information about live performances by Stone Temple Pilots and its members. It's divided into three categories:

  • Stone Temple Pilots: Everything STP from 1992 until now.
  • Featuring STP: The 'Featuring STP' section of the Concert Chronology contains information about performances that members of STP did with other bands, such as Talk Show, Army of Anyone and Velvet Revolver. These bands did quite a few tours, but also included here are one-off performances and guest appearances.
  • Solo Projects: The 'Solo Projects' section of the Concert Chronology contains information about solo performances that members of STP did during or after their tenure in STP.
  • Pre-STP: Confirmed shows by bands that preceded STP, such as Mighty Joe Young.
  • Played Songs Archive: The Played Songs Archive is a search engine for the Concert Chronology, where you can search for a song title and see when and where it was performed.