27 10 / 2012

Trying to systematize housework is the worst.
I have several books about routines and cleaning but none of it sticks. I
am trying to think of it like cooking - with ingredients and recipes and
certain kinds of feelings-based alchemy to get it all...

Trying to systematize housework is the worst.

I have several books about routines and cleaning but none of it sticks. I
am trying to think of it like cooking - with ingredients and recipes and
certain kinds of feelings-based alchemy to get it all done. Still not

So today is laundry and TAL day, and sorting of the bills.

Earlier today, I met up with three women to work on our homework for the
Coursera class for interactive python. I got reacquainted with logarithms
and reminded how much math is assumed for these classes.

08 10 / 2012

On day it’s ‘true’, the next 'hirtellius’. Or 'hamartia’.

I used to pride myself in knowing every word. No longer!

It’s week 3 at Mozilla and things are good. I am settling into a rhythm. My
list of things to do is already pretty long. I have fixed a few problems
and have a pretty good understanding of Socorro’s schema. Git workflow for
me is still not so natural. Other teams I’ve worked with use far fewer
features than I’ve learned in the last week.

Over the weekend, I shored up my bike gear - batteries for lights and
cleaning out of old bags of gloves. I also dusted off my sewing machine,
and finished a curtain. High on the victory, I went out and got more
curtain fabric, and made a new knitting needle holder from old remnants. I
also finished my first hat of the season. That was Sunday.

Saturday, I took a long walk, saw a very bad movie, upgraded my irc host,
and tackled a couple patches for PostgreSQL. One was a bugfix I hope I can
convince someone we need, and the other was a syntax checker patch review.
I just found out about pg_indent, and tried unsuccessfully to use it. I
will take another crack at it this morning, hopefully wrapping up my review
of that patch.

01 10 / 2012

Back at home walking to the store for the first time in 8 weeks. Feels
I finished a small knitting project, and washed some clothes. Next, need to
find all the rest of my knitting needles, and dye the curtains. This
weekend a new exhibit opens...

Back at home walking to the store for the first time in 8 weeks. Feels

I finished a small knitting project, and washed some clothes. Next, need to
find all the rest of my knitting needles, and dye the curtains. This
weekend a new exhibit opens at the museum, and I have another talk to write.

We are back to making dinner at home and had a movie night last weekend. It
is so warm we will probably end up with another movie night this weekend. I
feel like I missed out on the Portland summer again, and its a bit sad.
Next year, we’ll be sticking around.

28 6 / 2012

Best. Ever.

Best. Ever.

05 5 / 2012

“ Mini-greyhound shot - maybe we should call this a whippet?


Mini-greyhound shot - maybe we should call this a whippet?

17 4 / 2012

“ source: @techladymafia


source: @techladymafia

18 3 / 2012

12 3 / 2012

“ This week, The Oregonian will not be running a series of Doonesbury strips about the national political controversy over abortion and ultrasounds. I made this flowchart for the editors, I hope they find it useful.


This week, The Oregonian will not be running a series of Doonesbury strips about the national political controversy over abortion and ultrasounds. I made this flowchart for the editors, I hope they find it useful. 

05 3 / 2012

Waking up and not running.
The weather is terrible. I’m going to just love myself anyway and take it easy today. I managed to get up early, make a vac pot of coffee and figure out some stupid django site errors all on my own.
Brunch is my favorite...

Waking up and not running.

The weather is terrible. I’m going to just love myself anyway and take it easy today. I managed to get up early, make a vac pot of coffee and figure out some stupid django site errors all on my own.

Brunch is my favorite meal. Going to do it again next weekend.

Still have lots of soup from making cauliflower soup. Lunch, yum.

02 3 / 2012