Cooper Union Typography

All about Typography, well, mostly about Typography.

Assignment #5


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Readings Part 2


Two readings assigned on March 4. One page response due March 11 (on either of these).

1. “This Monkey’s Gone to Heaven…” by Elliott Earls
2. “The Grid: History, Use, and Meaning” by Jack H. Williamson

Filed under: Assignments, Readings, Typography



Civilité: a type designed by Robert Granjon as a French response to the Italian italic, and based on the cursive Gothic script as used in 1558. “Granjon called the type lettre françoise d’art de main, but because the type was very popular for school books and courtesy books, with ‘De Civilitate morum puerilium libellus’ (A Handbook on Good Manners for Children) by Erasmus serving as prototype, it now is generally known as Civilité type.” — quoted from viaLibri

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Filed under: Assignments, Links, Reference, Typography,

Assignment #3


Here is everything you will need for this assignment:

Download all three files below!

1. Assignment Sheet PDF
2. All text files
3. All Images

Ctr+Click (or right-click) on the files to download

If you get stuck email me, but everything is spelled out in the PDF, and there are notes in the text files.

Filed under: Assignments, Typography

the ’zine


This post will keep evolving as we work on the zine; mainly as a source of information and inspiration. Feel free to add to it by leaving comments. All the content is inside the post.

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Filed under: Assignments, Links, Reference,



Here are links to the readings handed out in class:

Thirty-six point Gorilla
Experimental Typography. Whatever that Means.

Filed under: Assignments, Readings

Movie Dialogue Using Typography

i found these motion-typography-dialogues and it’s interesting to compare to our assignment. apparently it’s a really popular thing.

most of them are pretty bad but i think these two are nice.

big lebowski:

pulp fiction:

Filed under: Assignments, Typography,

Assignment #2


Here is the second assignment in Typography II class. Download the PDF of it: Assignment #2

The text for the assignment is here: dialogue I left notes in the text, read them.

As a reference you can refer to this.

Filed under: Assignments, Typography

Assignment #1

Here is the first assignment in Typography II class. Download the PDF of it: Assignment #1 PDF

Remember to use only books (you can use the internet to find those books). Use the Lubalin Center, and the Cooper library (they have a ton of really unique books all the way in the back). And I use the word “rules” loosely.

Filed under: Assignments Feed

Typography Photos

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