Psychology & Faith

David’s contribution to dialogue between psychology and religion reflects his perspective as a psychological scientist and as a person of faith. He has danced on the science-faith boundary by:

For an overview, see Psychology Through the Eyes of Faith, revised edition (HarperSanFrancisco, 2002, co-authored by British cognitive neuroscientist Malcolm Jeeves). This paperback offers 32 short essays that offer introductory level faith-informed reflections on all the major areas of psychological science.

For a much briefer overview, see David’s 2005 essay in the APS Observer or 2006 interview in Science & Spirit.

David’s little book, A Friendly Letter to Skeptics and Atheists, Musings on Why God is Good, and Faith Isn’t Evil, published by Jossey-Bass/Wiley, responds to the “new atheist” books with science-and-faith-supportive reflections on religion and the good life.

See David’s predictions and reflections on prayer experiments and on sexual orientation and same-sex marriage.

See some intriguing religious engagement paradox data (PDF) (a supplement to David’s “Reflections on ‘Religion and Prosociality,’” Psychological Bulletin, September, 2012).

For more information, there are