Elizabeth Ellis - Storyteller

Please pardon our dust while we make Elizabeth's new web portal. Shouldn't be too much longer.

"Elizabeth Ellis' stories could transform a toad!"
Norma Barr, Roaring Fork (CO) Spellbinders

"Elizabeth Ellis knocked it out of the park at last night's Midnight Cabaret at the National Storytelling Festival."
Peter Dolese, Executive Director
Oklahoma City Arts Council

From the Hans Christian Andersen statue in New York's Central Park to the Glistening Waters Storytelling Festival of New Zealand, Elizabeth has been a favorite of audiences at festivals and storytelling concerts, both large and small. Whether it is an audience of thousands in the band shell at the Timpanogos Festival or an intimate gathering of listeners at a house concert, she always has the right stories for the occasion.

A masterful teller for teens, adults and children, she enchants inter generational audiences. In addition, Elizabeth is an effective and inspiring workshop presenter and a charming Master of Ceremonies. This combination of outstanding skills makes her a popular choice with producers of events of all kinds.
The Teller in Residence Program at the International Storytelling Center
The Sierra Storytelling Festival
The Texas Storytelling Festival
Elizabeth is listed on the Touring Roster of the Texas Commission on the Arts and the MidAmerica Arts Alliance. Partial funding may be available through these agencies. Please call Elizabeth for more information on TCA or MAAA funding.
Texas Commission on the Arts
Mid-America Arts Alliance
National Storytelling Network

Contact Information Email Elizabeth