WARNING | ‘Who is viewing’ your Facebook profile


The recent app, ‘Who is Viewing Your Profile’ is a SCAM, NOT the official Facebook ‘Insights’ This app is a 3rd party app, which may at the very least violate Facebook’s Terms and Conditions for applications. Official Facebook statistics are FREE from Facebook Insights.

This app keeps on making  a return: Despite Facebook upgrading the app screening process, it looks like ‘who is viewing your Facebook profile has returned again. A sudden upswing in searches on Google for information about this malignant app strongly indicates who is viewing is active. Do not permit this app to access your Feacebook account. It is a SCAM.

The app directs you to a Facebook page

which instructs you to click a link to continue. It requires permission to connect with your facebook Account using a non-secure connection (http) If you click the ‘continue’ button, you will be directed to a website set up by a gambling operation, and asked to enter your cellphone number. One of the options is to subscribe to a cellphone app… the other is to ‘see if you are lucky’

Facebook clearly states in the terms of use for apps, that REQUIRING a member to spend money or simarly do something to receive the benefit of the app is not permitted. Such a requirement may only be OPTIONAL.

This app may be harvesting Facebook users profiles to post ‘spoof’ wall posting that appear to come from the users, IS a SECURITY VIOLATION, and is in direct conflict with Facebook policy.

The Worst Facebook Apps

One can only assume there is more to this spam app than meets the eye. I would suspect it will harvest your cell number for spam mailing lists, at the very least.

If you have seen a posting on facebook, purporting to be from YOU, which you have not made, then immediately go to your Facebook Account Settings and DISABLE this app. (And while you are there, switch your facebook connections to SECURE i.e. HTTPS.)

This app should be reported to Facebook by anyone having been spoofed by the app..

This app is not just one of those irritating ones asking idiotic questions. It is a scam.


FOLLOW UP: Aug 8, 2011 @ 21:51

The app was blocked by Facebook Security, and the website was not accesible today.

FOLLOW UP: Aug 30, 2011 @ 10:45

Trend Micro threat library lists this app as malware

Additional reading:

Updated: February 19, 2012

About Mike

Web Developer and Techno-geek Saltwater fishing nut Blogger

Posted on August 7, 2011, in Facebook, General News, Social Networks, Virus, Trojans, Security Threats and tagged , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 3 Comments.

  1. It seems every so often some sort of scam app slips onto Facebook. There have been a few of these ‘lookin at’ ones as you mention.
    I found this one when one of my friends on facebook posted a comment that she had not liked or shared the app on her wall, so I had a look at it.
    Your articles ‘Losing Alice‘ – interesting reading, with some useful tips too.
    Cheers, Mike

  2. I love this “who’s looking at your profile” on LinkedIn but the facebook version did seem like a scam. It keeps popping up from time to time though. I did wonder where it linked to.

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