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Dietetic Test, test citotossico, Cytotoxic Test, per le intolleranze alimentari. Formulazione di diete specifiche contro i disturbi alimentari

Persuaded by the genuine difficulties encountered by anyone who wants to learn to read the Dietetic Test, we decided to create this web site.

Our aim is to reproduce the microscopic aspect of the various hematological conditions for all the elements commonly found in normal and pathologic conditions by the Dietetic Test (Cytotoxic test for the study of food intolerances).



We have reproduced the color photographic images, although lacking their vivid colorations that are normally found in a routine examination of the Dietetic Test. We hope that those who are getting to know this new school of medicine will find them useful.


LINEA SALUTE ITALIA S.r.l. Esclusivista del test per le intolleranze alimentari Dietetic Test
Via XXV Aprile, 47 - Montale - PISTOIA (PT) - Tel. +39 0574.675334 - Fax +39 0574.675334

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Intolleranze alimentari, Dietetic Test, test citotossico, Cytotoxic Test, per le intolleranze alimentari. Formulazione di diete specifiche contro i disturbi alimentari. Più di 700 centri di analisi in Italia hanno scelto Dietetic Test di Linea Salute Italia per individuare nelle intolleranze alimentari le cause per allergie, mal di testa, sonnolenze, dolori muscolari, disturbi gastroenterici, cutanei, irritazioni