Pay Me Please: A Freelance Web Designer's Guide to Billing and Pricing

February 18th, 2008 in Business & Process

by: Matthew Griffin

Going it alone as a web designer will quickly lead to the discovery that your accounting skills are as important as your design skills. If you've ever done any freelancing you know exactly what I mean. When should I bill? How much should I charge? What kind of pricing structure should I use? These are questions I've wrestled with more than once over my eight year tenure as a freelance web designer. Fortunately, out of the heap of triumphs and failures, a refined set of principles has emerged. I'm sure these rules will keep you out of some sticky situations.

How Much Should I Charge?

The first rule of pricing is never undercharge. Undercharging opens the gateway to Web Design Hades. It's a horrible place filled with cheap clients who won't pay and long tedious projects that don't make any sense. It may sound strange, but charging as much, or more, than your competitors will keep the bad clients away and the good clients coming back. If you can't book projects at the going rate, then you need to sharpen your design skills and try again.

Also, when it comes to setting your hourly rate, remember that you won't be working forty billable hours per week. Don't set your rate at what you'd expect from a full-time job in your field. You need to at least double it.

When Should I Bill?

You've probably heard the saying "vote early, vote often"—it applies to billing too. This is one of the first difficult lessons I learned. Now, I bill half up front and half on completion for projects that take less than two months. For projects that take longer, I break up the second half into two or three invoices. If you decide to make this rule a policy—and I highly recommend you do—just remember that it's only effective if you hold off on starting the project until you get the first payment. Don't get sucked into the web of client manipulation. If they want a project started now, they can write a check now. The only exception you should make is for long-time trusted clients.

Also, when you're sitting right at the end of a project waiting for the client to get you the final content and the weeks are piling up, go ahead and send the final bill. You might think that this tactic could potentially tick off the client, but it my years of freelancing I've only seen good things come of it.

What Pricing Structure Should I Use?

A simple pricing structure will serve you best in the world of web design. Start by setting a flat rate for the most basic website you can imagine. This price should include the whole package—graphic design for a static template, CSS and HTML coding, basic search engine marketing research, and copy-and-paste content for four or five static pages.

Once you've landed on a base price, just build from there. Create a spreadsheet and start listing major upgrades and programming modules that could be added to your base. For example, you could list "Flash header" as an upgrade, or maybe blog, or shopping cart. Remember, this is just a guide—every project is unique so don't think of this the law. The base price is the only law. When you're writing a proposal, start with your base price and then run down your list of upgrades, adding or subtracting to suit the difficulty of the task.

The key is the base price. Instead of being elusive and vague every time you're asked about your pricing, you can just say, "Well, I charge $___ for the most basic possible website and I go up from there depending on what you need." If the price scares them, you just saved yourself a bunch of time. If not, you've got a good lead. You'll stand out from the crowd if you're honest and forthright about your pricing.

How Much Should I Charge Per Hour?

In some cases the hourly charge is inescapable, but avoid it if you can. Pay-by-the-hour work lends itself to mindless tasks that chip away at productivity. Never take on an already-built website that just needs "a little updating". And when you have to bill by the hour always bill on a one hour minimum. Also, keep your hourly rates high to discourage piecemeal work.

For more on hourly billing, check out 7 Reasons You Shouldn't Charge by the Hour.


Try not to over-think the sales and billing process. Most of the time, you're dealing with people who think about money differently than you. The price is rarely the determining factor in their final selection. Stay firm on your rate and you won't be disappointed. Also, make sure your proposals and invoices look professional and are well-organized. Simplicity pays. Many times at client will choose you simply because your system seems like less hassle.

Also, check out Freelancers: Invoice Your Clients by Tutorial Blog for a list of great online invoicing programs.

UPDATED 11/12/2009



Posted By: E. I. Sanchez on 02/18/08

Should you advertise your prices online?

Posted By: Brad C on 02/18/08

Great advice. I've only been at the freelancing thing a few months and a lot of this stuff I've been learning the hard way even though I knew a lot of it going in. I think when your starting out you feel like you have to grab every project that comes your way, even if you got talked down on price. But your dead on when about weeding those folks out, they will suck up a lot of your time for very little money.

Posted By: on 02/18/08

Edgar, I would strongly advise against posting your pricing online. Web development is too complex to put in a solid pricing grid for the world to see. Our work is similar to that of a construction contractor. Most projects need to be evaluated and priced one at a time.

Posted By: on 02/18/08

Thanks, Brad.

Posted By: Brant Tedeschi on 02/18/08

I always thought an hourly rate is a good thing, that way you get paid for the stupid shit that they wnat you to do that makes no sense at 50 dollars an hour. What do you think?

Posted By: christen bouffard on 02/18/08

There is also the Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines. It has been my pricing bible for about 10 years now. It is in its 11 edition and covers industry practice and pricing from identity design to web design and video production. Just google the title to find out more.

Posted By: Daniel Sherson on 02/18/08

suit / suite As a design student this is all hypothetical to me. but it is interesting to me. :)

Posted By: on 02/18/08

Brant, it seems at first glance that by-the-hour billing will keep feature creep at bay. But in reality it's just as difficult to tell a client that the project will take more time as it is to tell them that it will cost more. Also, you can pad the flat rate a little to anticipate changes. You will find the flat-rate billing simpler, more flexible, and more attractive to a prospective client.

Posted By: Jacob Rosenfeld on 02/19/08

I find that for me, an hourly pricing scheme (with a twist) works best. Sure I have various tier'd pricing to give people ballpark ranges of pricing, but when it comes down to actually writing the proposal, I haven't been able to make sense of anything besides an 'hourly rate' scheme. When sitting down to put numbers to a proposal, I either visualize in my head or graphically illustrate (on paper) an entire project, from start to finish. From that, I develop a range of hours. Every project has two main components: Design and Production. Production is the easy number because it is something that I am in complete control of. The design phase however, involves the most interaction with the client... and unless I'm working with the same client on a second or third job, this number is always the biggest wildcard. Why? Because it's hard to tell what kind of person/company I'm going to be working with. Are they going to be ultra picky and make myriads of revisions to everything I put out? Are they going to be indecisive and take days to make up their minds? Or are they going to be push-overs, and love everything that comes out of my head? Each of these different types of clients will drastically impact the hours approximation of the design phase of the proposal. Thus, what works for me, is to give the client a range, with a twist. Basically, I say, here is the approximate range of time I think it will take to complete the project -- split in two phases. If I come in on the low end of the range (or even lower than my quoted low end), then that is what I will bill them for. If it comes in higher, I will bill them for the total hours. From experience, I find there are 2 keys to making this work: 1) Having references from past jobs that will vouch for my honesty and integrity. And 2) Constantly keeping the client informed (on a weekly basis) of the hours spent, with a detailed breakdown. This takes away the 'element of surprise' for when a project does run past the initial estimated time range. In the end, I'm not looking to make a million dollars off each client... I'm simply looking to get paid fairly for the hours I put into it -- no more, no less. Some people are simply interested in transactions, whereas I'm looking for the relationships. And like any relationship, if you are honest, hard-working, and a good communicator, it has a very good chance of being happy and successful.

Posted By: Jermayn on 02/19/08

Best advice is to charge higher! You may loose a cheapo but its worth it!

Posted By: Erica DeWolf on 02/19/08

Great advice! My favorite is to not underestimate yourself and undercharge. I have some friends just getting out of college beginning freelance projects. Being that their used to getting paid nothing to $10 an hour, they tend to think that they are going to turn away customers if they charge too high. They have professional experience. They are skilled. The hardest thing to do at first is to charge what your competitors are charging. But? It's worth it. You'll have half as many customers but be making the same amount of money.

Posted By: Dennison Uy - Graphic Designer on 02/19/08

Matthew maybe you can provide advise on whether or not to throw a "ballpark figure" or to come up with a full proposal for small to medium sized projects (100 hours and above). Proposals are time consuming especially if the project is big, so it's difficult to accept a proposal being rejected ... after all the work you put into it, your well thought out proposal will end up becoming the "RFP" that your prospective client will use to shop for the cheapest contractor.

Posted By: Matthew on 02/19/08

Here is another piece of advice I would add; if a potential customer asks you to come down on a quote, run away fast and do not look back!

Posted By: on 02/19/08

Dennison, None of my detailed proposals have ever been accepted. Keep it simple, even if it's a big project. Let your work and your knowledge speak for themselves. Others may have a different approach but I don't even mess with RFPs where I'm competing with a bunch of other designers.

Posted By: Dave on 02/19/08

Matthew, Nicely put. I find that I can estimate quite nicely for my web design projects, especially the ones that I'm the only developer/designer working on. Unfortunately, most of my work is programming and most clients want an hourly rate, plus they want the world delivered...yesterday. Awesome advice though, it's things to think about.

Posted By: Sangesh on 02/20/08

Matthew, Thank you for this article. Really helpful & interesting too.

Posted By: Shabu Anower on 02/21/08

Found this article on design float, well written and really helpful for freelancer like me. Thanks for your time.

Posted By: richard mathmanson on 02/21/08

Good good those are real balls stick to your selling price and stay firm with and you will squeeze that money out of your client for they think about money diffrently than you do.

Posted By: web design belfast on 02/21/08

I definitely agree with charging more to help attract a better quality of client. It doenst seem like it should work but it does!

Posted By: Michael on 02/21/08

Great advice. I think it will help me out a lot as a freelance web designer.

Posted By: Nicky Mares on 02/25/08

The work done for this project may be seen at <a href=></a>. I was hired for a straightforward case of web design; this person approved of the work; she discussed ongoing maintenance and requested that I upload the site and supplied the account info in order for me to do so. The agreement to maintain the site was made on my part only in exchange for the unused disk space on the server, and free of charge; basically an act of good will and the best intentions on my part; she also requested to pay half at that point, half after upload; here is when things got interesting. Although my policy is work first, pay later, upload last; on the assumption that I would be maintaining the site I foolishly thought I could trust the her. This person never paid half first but I went ahead and uploaded the site. Agh. A few days later she informed me that the site was "funky" and had reverted seemingly by itself to its previous state, which was a generic template that she had made using the template builder provided with the web host. Hmm. This time she made a $50 payment, which was 1/2 of the 'half first' or 1/4 of the total payment; requesting me to again upload the site, and informing of the new password to the account, which had inexplicably been changed. Ok-? In an effort to be helpful I stated the obvious in asking this person whether she had used the template builder, which still had the old copy of the template stored, which the client denied as if being accused of something. It was only a few days later when no further payment or instructions appeared from the client that I realized what was happening. Ms. Menage had waited for me to upload the site, then promptly changed the password to shut me out. The client then stupidly attempted to use the template builder to modify the new website, inadvertently reinstating the old one by mistake. I sent a two-page email, which went unanswered, patiently explaining the differences between the template editor and alternative means to edit the site, something I had contacted her about two weeks earlier, requesting to set a time when we could put our heads together to implement a customized solution; a request that also had gone unanswered. I then wrote another two emails over the course of two days patiently explaining my position in our agreement, all the things I had done and were willing to do for the benefit of her website, and explaining that the agreed upon fee for the site was more than $50. After a few days this person responded. This time I had apparently crossed the line and been irrevocably disrespectful in some way with my 'smart comments'; and no further pay would be forthcoming. Two separate conversations are presented below. Sadly, it is apparent that THIS CLIENT NEVER INTENDED TO PAY ME. It is unfortunate that so many take advantage of Craigslist's open market system to cheat and connive their way through the system. Thank you for taking the time to listen. On 2/17/08, I wrote: (this is a small part of a 2-page letter) Okay. Please don't confuse content management with that Globuild template builder they have got up on there. Templates are very limited in that they can only allow you to change pictures and stuff around within the look and style of a premade layout. --------------------------------- (etc.) ------------------------- Because this is kind of starting to drag on and it seems we haven't been communicating very well and time has been getting wasted. I have been trying to do everything you wanted me to do but when I asked you a couple of weeks ago if we could set up a time to hook you up with the content management you never got back to me; then last week you On 2/17/08, Tanisha Clayton wrote: (apparently replying to a completely different conversation) > no. Any what else is new with this? On 2/17/08, I wrote: What part of what I said are you saying no to? I don't know what else is new with this because I don't know what you are expecting me to do. On 2/19/08, Tanisha Clayton wrote: I dont even remember what this email was about. What's with the bad attitude? I spoke with Danielle and she says that you are very rude. On 2/18/08, I wrote: > Please complete payment for the site this week. You have my ongoing full support for minor issues such as technical problems with Globat, in addition to the number of pages in the Cover section, ad placement, and anything else relating to content management; in exchange for the extra space on the server I will be here to continuously support and update the site. But this is dragging on for too long and I really don't know what more you expect from me. Please don't dole out payments at me $50 at a time like that. This is a business and I am worth more than that. On 2/19/08, Tanisha Clayton wrote: I know that and I really don't need all the smart comments. For all that you can keep the $50 and take down the site. you and I both know why I asked to only pay $50 and further you saw for your self that something was funky with the site. Now that it's up I have no problem paying the remainder balance. The problem that I have is the smart attitude further irritating me is the fact that I just got my email up and running only to see emails like the one below. And my "rude" email to her referral, Danielle: What changes will you be wanting to make on a monthly basis? I assume you said something about having monthly specials on there so we can do that. I can start by suggesting that we put your slideshow from your myspace page on to your brands page, instead of having "To view current collections click here" link to your myspace page - that seems kinda unprofessional. Also having "for map and directions click here" link to Msn Live Maps is pretty sad especially since it is only showing a map of the entire western half of the U.S. on my computer when I click on it. I really hope you didn't have to pay your previous webmaster to create this for you.

Posted By: Luciano on 03/06/08

Hi! First, I wanted to say - great tips! I have my 2 cents to add, so there you go: Part where I completely agree with you is what I have learned hard way: you need to charge what your work is really worth. I never charge as high as design studios would, but I never go down as low as students do. I justify my relatively high prices with high quality work I do. My pages are always standard compliant (both html and css). My pages are well commented, so anybody else can pick up where I left, in the case owner decides someone else should do maintenance. My pages are of minimum size and complexity, go easy on server and on client's bandwidth and browsers. I actually prefer that someone else maintains website, I don't like being a webmaster. Also, since I am more of a application designer than graphic designer, I always try hard to pass design to someone else, or to do programming for my graphic designer friends. This way I do just what I am good at - generate html with php and make css to reflect graphic designers idea. It is much harder for me to come up with creative graphics, than to come up with creative solutions for websites and content management systems (CMSes). Another thing is, regarding basic pricing: I have 3 "basic" sites I do. First type is the cheapest one and it is absolute bottom price: website that is static and does not require any further changes later, or those changes are so sparse that it doesn't pay off to make CMS. I usually charge equivalent of 500 to 800 bucks, or the same in euro or my local currency (depending on the customers location). Second type is - adaptation of some of existing CMS's applications (like mambo or php nuke, or whatever). I always make sure that customer is aware of disadvantages of using such system, and never sugest use of it where I don't see it fit. Sometimes, though, it's just easier to install php nuke and adjust design for it. I charge those anything between 700 and 1500 bucks, euros, or whatever. Last but not the least is - CMS from the scratch. This means that I will offer analysis of customer needs skills and knowledge, and adapt CMS so that customer finds it easy. Those jobs are going anywhere from 1.000 and up. As for the charging ratios go - I never do more than something like 30-40% of the job without the first half-payment. Another half is required once customer is happy with the site. Only and ONLY after I get all the dough, I upload the site. In the meanwhile, it lies on my server. All and every website I make is coming from my own home-made templates and libraries for PHP, so it is no use for client if they try to just save my pages from the server. Ain't gonna work like that. And I NEVER generate all the pages before the cash comes in, just samples and examples. Also, I NEVER take commitment of filling up the website with content, no matter if it is static or CMS (for static sites I require information for each page to be delivered in TXT file, I just include that later on). If I work together with graphic designer - it gets easier, because usually they are ones that find clients, set up payments, and everything else. If not, I require customer to come up with sites they like and a general idea for me what do they want their website to look like and what to reflect. I also require their idea of the layout itself. Otherwise, if future website is not defined well before you begin, it is going to cost YOU much more time and money than you are really going to charge, going back and forth with client over stuff that you already did and spent hours, and they don't like it, and blah blah blah... So, these were kind-of my techniques how to determine my own prices and how to ensure that I get productive work and not something that is gonna hog me up. Also, I never charge less than what I make on my "regular" daily job (I do web development privately, after regular hours). Logics are - if I can't make sum that is at least equal to my daily job, than I ought to do development as hobby until I can make more off of it :) If I already decided to spend my free after-work time to make more money, I consider that overtime :) Hopefully I wasn't too explanatory and that my experience helped others a bit. Cheers all!

Posted By: Nicole Brors on 04/19/08

Thanks for all the useful information. I have just started freelancing, or "graphic design consulting" as I call it since most people I've found who want a web site end up needing some sort of guidance as to how it should be set up. One important thing I've learned from a project I recently did: if someone wants you to make edits on a web site that has already been built, make sure to see the files before telling them what you can and can't do and how long it will take. I just spent 2 hours doing something I estimated at around half an hour because once I saw the file, it was set up in such a way that required more work. I prefer not to work on web sites that are already done, but if I'm doing other design work for someone and it's something they need, I'm not going to turn them away.

Posted By: AlfredN on 06/13/08

Good read here mate; most of these tips are ones I learned the hard way so I can totally relate. Definately a good article for people startig out or people who just can't seem to get things together.

Posted By: on 06/13/08

Thanks, AlfredN.

Posted By: dezign on 06/20/08

Can you recommend anysites that track hourly rates charged by freelancers and larger companies?

Posted By: Matthew Grffin on 06/20/08

Dezign, check out They did a survey awhile back that had some good information about average freelance billing rates.

Posted By: on 07/25/08

i think that i have the money now to pay you and i am sorry for yelling at you cause my boyfreind had the money and i couldn't get it to you and i think that i have the money to pay you now i think i odn't know thought thanks calli &my boyfreind josh arbuckle

Posted By: Skyler on 09/03/08

I've always charged hourly, but I'm interested in using the value scheme. How do I invoice for projects with one price. Usually with an hourly rate, I'd run a list down for each task completed. What would a typically invoice look like if it's only for one total dollar amount that had many factors played into it? Or do we even list the noted factors? I guess after billing hourly, I'm not sure what this type of invoice would look like. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Posted By: DummyChef on 09/05/08

Have a questions - how many days should I put on the invoice to the client as the balance due date after I deliver the web project?

Posted By: Matthew Griffin on 09/16/08

Once the project is complete I usually do a net 15 or even due on receipt. This has always worked just fine for me.

Posted By: micheal james on 09/24/08

hi I'm a freelance web designer, i would like to ask what is the right process of paying me, because every time i finished the project i need to go to their office to get the invoice and to be signed by the account manager is this a right practice?

Posted By: Matthew Griffin on 09/24/08

Michael, In my experience, it's best to get everything signed up front before the project starts. That way invoicing and payment is smooth and there is no excuse to without funds. If you're billing half up front, you will need to do this anyway.

Posted By: David on 10/17/08

hate to say it, but higher prices are better, they scare the lowballers and folks with no budget away. Start at $500 and go up from there. You will lose money with nit picking clients regarding logo design, web dev, and any sort of graphics arts, they will bleed you dry with changes. Limit the changes and only a contract and paperwork can help you otherwise they'll take your design, not pay you and later on you'll see the logos on their website.

Posted By: ann on 11/06/08

I sure wish I'd found this blog months ago.I currently have three clients whose work I finished this week. Out of the three, only 1 has paid a deposit, the other two have disappeared it seems. And the one who has paid a deposit just had a new baby and cant be reached. I wasted the past two weeks of my life and I really need to be paid. What is the simplest and best way to do billing?

Posted By: Gazikent on 11/11/08

Thanks, AlfredN.

Posted By: Dean on 01/06/09

thank you, I'm relatively new to freelance design. This article, along with the many informative comments, proved to be a great aid in setting up my business framework.

Posted By: O Benim Ba�kanım on 01/07/09

They did a survey awhile back that had some good information about average freelance billing rates.

Posted By: Teknoloji on 01/11/09

I sure wish I'd found this blog months ago.I currently have three clients whose work I finished this week.

Posted By: Craig H. Harris on 02/02/09

In response to some of the ?'s above, I also use the 50/50 payment requirement on jobs! I to wanted a better way of showing the stages of progress, on client projects! I found a little program online called Time is Money that prints out a nice time sheet with explanation column for the time slots. Ya might won't to take a look at it. Oh to reiterate it is easy to use and puts a punch in and out button in the system tray along with the ability to go in and edit all the info it stores. I wanted one that would actually track which applications were being used but never found that one, if ya seen one of those in the wild please post up bout it!!! Have a good one Craig

Posted By: mmn on 02/04/09

I only use my own host/server for client's websites. I do not give them the password until I've been paid in full. I had a client who was not coming forth with the final payment. I explained (nicely) that unless I received a prompt payment their site would be deactivated. The check arrived by overnight mail.

Posted By: Colin on 03/13/09

When it comes to preparing a professional proposal, contract, NDa, etc. this is a great resource: <a href="">Website Developer's Document Set</a>

Posted By: Colin on 03/13/09

Posted By: Nodak Designer on 05/22/09

If you're stuck with a low-end customer, outsource it out. If you are skilled for doing high end, your work and your pricing should be justified.

Posted By: richmo58 on 09/06/09

I decided about 6 months ago to never take 1/2 down again for a website design project. I have found that when I insist on getting paid my fee for the project up-front there is no problem getting content and not as many hold ups getting the site completed. Thanks for the tips especially about flat rate billing and the time it took you to develop this site and post your tips. Peace -

Posted By: Bex White on 10/10/09

Hi, Your post contains some good honest and useful advice for anyone starting out. I can tell a lot of the points have come from experience and I hope they help newbie freelancers to avoid falling into some of the more easy pitfalls we all contend with when we are first starting out. It is always so tempting to take on those underpaid or even *shock* unpaid projects to try to gain exposure or uild a portfolio, but, 9 times out of 10 anyway, that never happens. The work is usually poorly managed and uninspired, on top of that by taking the project you have conceeded that that price is what your work is worth, and will be treated as such. Then at the end of it, you rarely have been able to create a project you even want to put in your portfolio, and the whole exercise has cost you time you could ahve spent actively seeking a project which would have paid 3x as much for less hours and a better outcome... I have written some posts along the same lines which might also help your readers - I hope it is ok to pop a link up here: Thanks.

Posted By: Terry on 10/15/09

Thank you so much for sharing all your great advice, Matthew! Being in this business for 5 years now I still find myself in these quagmires that would certainly be avoided if I'd follow your advice! Many of my associates can attest to the same!

Posted By: Jeff on 10/19/09

I've had similar experiences to pretty much everyone that commented, including the original poster. Ah to be a web developer.

Posted By: Greg Stevenson on 10/20/09

Thanks for all the info and the helpful comments!

Posted By: Richie on 10/22/09

My workflow is as follows: Every client gets a proposal even if its pro bono. Keep it short, like 1 page. Always get signatures. I always ask for half the total amount before any work begins. No money = no work. Its that simple. I ask for the other half when the project is completed. It's up to you whether you get the last payment before or after you upload the site. I would never upload a site before I get the last for someone I don't know. I generally stay away from any updating and just do custom sites. Most of my quotes are for a flat rate with stipulations that any extra work beyond our agreement is considered extra work and will be charged my normal hourly rate.

Posted By: Ryan on 11/05/09

I'm going to have to go right on ahead and agree with you!

Posted By: Luke on 11/10/09

50/50 with deposit up front and second 50% on completion (or even before you upload to the true domain, if you're previewing on a live test domain) is the only sensible way to go. Even if it's one of those small piecemeal jobs ( put your hourly up to avoid these!), get 50% upfront unless it's a longstanding client you are comfortable and confident in. And never undervalue your worth. If they have contacted you to price work, they've done this because they have reasonable confidence in your abilities; you should too. Always charge a rate you are happy with; anything else leads to disillusionment with the project very quickly once they start adding those "just one ore thing" requirements (I call it the Columbo factor, which prob shows my age). Cheapo clients will hire cheap work and make stupid demands; it's no good for your career or sanity. Charging higher will get you better clients who understand the value of your work, and if you're any good you'll continue to get them off the back of that. Stay strong and be firm on it - it'll pay off.

Posted By: Dwayne Casey on 11/12/09

This is great advice on alot of points. 50% down. This is common for almost any other industry. In fact most places I do print business with want all of it up front! I am curious what others are charging. I have read that $75 per hour is the bare minimum you should charge after you consider that you wont be able to bill $40 hours consistently per week if you are in business for yourself. This seems to sound like alot to people though. So how would you break it down? I have designed for print and web for over 10 years. By the way what plugin is this catcha code?

Posted By: Matthew Griffin on 11/12/09

Dwayne, good question. I charge a little less than that per hour but I round up all my hours to the next hour with a one-hour minimum. It's really the little tiny changes that can eat your lunch if you're not charging a minimum fee. There's a tutorial for using reCaptcha at It was featured last week on 5 for Friday.

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