Background Music for PowerPoint Presentation
Right selected background music is making a presentation more interesting and catch more attention from your audience. It's pretty simple to add music to PowerPoint presentation. Just be creative and have fun!
Tips to choose the right music for an awesome presentation:
Focus on your presentation and audience
Selected music should be fit into the theme of your presentation and be accepted well by your audience.
Pay respect to emotional impact
Just thinking about what the type of response you want from your audience. Maybe it's time to make them laugh or take a pause and relax.
Be careful with volume
Control the level of music volume during presentation. People should hear your speach at first so keep the volume at low.
Why Melody Loops music?
Working correct with Microsoft PowerPoint
Free license to use for commercial purpose
Instant download as MP3 and WAV formats
Wide range of music styles and genres
Create a music as long as you need
High quality sound