Last Update: 19th January 2008







When is the ranking updated ? (UK)

Ranking is updated at midnight.

The analyzer package and live games – what do they do ?

There are two tools available that allow you to watch a game. Both of these are included in a paid subscription service. One is a pseudo “live game” where you load the game and watch. The other is the “Analyzer” which allows viewing the game but also has the ability for forwarding and rewinding. The Analyzer is ideal for trying to understand the weaknesses in your teams position on the pitch. Can you tell for instance whether you have an area that is left wide open that your opponents are making use of? It has the interesting side effect of being able to analyze a game that has just started and forward to then end to see what the end result was without having to wait for the final score on the web site.

The strip used in the 3D Live isnt the same as my strip

The colours chosen in the strip in 3D Live is actually Color 1 of your strip.  So if you have a white shirt with black stripes, because the strips is Color 1, your shirt will look black in 3D Live.

I noticed some players have a Nike sponsor, how do I get select this?

Nike where a sponsor for ManagerZone but no longer are.  Players that had Nike as sponsor from then can continue to use it but no-one can now switch to Nike.

What does MA,GA,FA,LA, etc in the forums mean ?

CREW Crew. The game developers
MA Master Game Assistant
GA Game Assistant
FA Forum Assistant
RA Reporter Assistant
LA Language Assistant

How is ranking calculated?

Only Crew knows how exactly it is calculated. But some important factors to increase ranking are, in order of importance:

1) League results (higher division gets more points for each match).
2) Official Cup results (hosted by Crew).
3) Friendly match results.
4) Financial status.

Your performance over that period of time gives you points. (See “How do I find out how many points I’ve got”). The number of points you have compared to other teams determines your rank.
The rankings are worked out on the last 8 weeks performance. So if you drop in ranking, it maybe because you had a better result 8 weeks to the result you just got. Or it maybe because other teams have gained more points that you, so although your points have increased, others have done better.

National rankings are calculated by taking the top 100 ranked from each country.

How do I find out many points I’ve got?

Goto the “My Team” screen. Put the mouse cursor over the rank and leave it there for a few seconds and your rank will pop up.

What is the Zone ?

The zone is a weekly newspaper that discusses various aspects of ManagerZone.

What HTML or formatting (bold,italics,etc) can I put in the forums

In the forum discussions you can put a limited amount of HTML. The allowable things include:

Italic Text:
<i>Italic text</i>     Word: Italic text

Bold Text:
<b>Bold text</b>    Word: Bold text

Underline Text:
<u>Underline text</u>   Word: Underline text

Link to an URL:
<a href="URL_adress"> Linking text </a>

Write "target=_blank" if you want it to open in a new window.
Example: <a href=URL_adress target=_blank> Linking text </a>

< left bracket:


> right bracket:


& ampersand:


Example of HTML in use:

  Message If you <b>Really</b> like this <i>groovy</i> stuff, goto this link:


<a href=""> </a>





Will look like:

  By fabkins Today 12:00


If you Really like this groovy stuff, goto this link:

Reply .


How do I put graphics in Word From the Owner?

Goto “Club” -> “Team” -> “Edit Info”

In the section that says team you can put something in the following format:

             <IMG SRC=http://URL TO A GRAPHIC>

Note that the graphic needs to be a .jpg or .gif .  The Microsoft .bmp format is not suitable.

Below is a working link you can use to try the system out:

             <IMG SRC=>

 Here is what it all looks like in MZ:


 This is what the above will give you: 


Now if you want to have your own graphic you will need to find someone to host for you.  You may have space given to you from your ISP or you may want to visit various graphic hosting companies.  

What other formatting things can I do for Word From the Owner?

 Font face:

<font face="times new roman">Text</font>

 Font Size:

<font size="-2">Very small</font> word: Very small
<font size="-1">Small</font>   word: Small
<font size="+1">Normal</font>   word: Normal
<font size="+2">Large</font> word: Large
<font size="+3">Extra Large</font> word: Extra Large


<font color="#ffffff">This is white </font> word: This is white
<font color="#000000">This is black </font> word: This is black
<font color="#ffff00">This is yellow </font> word: This is yellow
<font color="#990000">This is brown </font> word: This is brown
<font color="#cc00ff">This is pink</font> word: This is pink
<font color="#ff9900">This is orange</font> word: This is orange
<font color="#00ff00">This is green </font> word: This is green
<font color="#ff0000">This is red </font> word: This is red
<font color="#0000ff">This is blue </font> word: This is blue
<font color="#ffccff">This is pink </font> word: This is pink

<H6>Very Small</H6>

Italic Text:
<i>Italic text</i>    word: Italic text

Bold Text:
<b>Bold text</b>  word: Bold Text

Underline Text:
<u>Underline text</u>    word: Underline text

Strike Text:
<strike>Strike text</strike>    word: Strike text

Flashing (only working in netscape).
<blink>Flashing text</blink>

Rolling/moving text from right to left

<marquee>Moving Textt</marquee>  word:  Moving Text

Link to e-mail:

<a> Linking text </a>

 Link to an URL:
<a href="URL_adress"> Linking text </a>

 Write "target=_blank" if you want it to open in a new window.
Example: <a href=URL_adress target=_blank> Linking text </a>

 Text in left side:

<p align=left>           

Align left

Text in center:

<p align=center>

Align Center

Text in right side:

 <p align=right>

Align Right


<IMG SRC=http://The URL of Image.jpg>

 Note, that ManagerZone Crew will not give you support on setting HTML up.

Where else can I can information about ManagerZone ?

 A great source of information outside ManagerZone’s web site is the following URL which offers news, resources and forums for ManagerZone.



How do I report a bug?

 Report bugs to:


How do I report someone cheating?

 If you want to report someone cheating: or

 or contact a Game Assistant (GA).

How do I write to the “The Zone” newsletter?

 Write to:


I’ve got problems trying to make payments, who should I contact?

Write to:

I’ve some other questions, who should I contact?

Contact: or



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