Blue Stack Player: Enjoy Android Apps on Windows

Blue Stack Player- Enjoy Android Apps on WindowsIn May the company was looking to run Bluestack alpha testers for their players, with the Android apps on Windows. Now the player has been released.

The App-stacks of blue player plays Android applications in full screen mode on Windows.Ten apps are installed and run “out of the box“, others can be transferred to the computer via blue stacks “cloud connect” service from your phone – the connection between PC and SmartPhone or laptop will be made over the Internet. The appropriate application “Blue Cloud Stacks Connect” is free in the Android Market.


The player is currently classified as an alpha version and can range from the blue-stacks- website will also be downloaded free of charge. A “Pro” version is already announced. 


Posted by on October 11, 2011. Filed under Entertainment, Games. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.