
Komelon Tape Measure Sketch

It’s a tape measure… it’s not too exciting. I remember hanging out at Milwaukee Makerspace in 2017 doing something with Maks and he had complained that the tape measures there were all imperial. I got on the mobile and found this Komelon tape measure that had Metric and Imperial measurements and I ordered four of them as they were less than $5 USD each! I think I kept two and gave one to Maks and maybe one to Marcus. (Maks and Marcus both grew up outside the US and were fans of the Metric System.)

The Komelon quickly became my favorite tape measure. I still have both of mine in my shop and use them all the time. We do have a bunch of other tape measures around the house but I’ve had a favorite. We’ve also got Komelons at work, which is nice. It’s also worth noting that Komelon US is located in Waukesha, not far from where I am in Milwaukee.

I really enjoy doing these sketches! I do them with an Apple Pencil on an iPad using Procreate. If you ever want a framed print of any of my sketches get in touch with me and we’ll work something out… Also, check out the Illustration page to see them all!


Fisher-Price Tape Recorder Sketch

I didn’t have one of these Fisher-Price Tape Recorders (Cassette Player) but they seem familiar and since the came out in the 1980s I’m reasonably sure I’ve come across one over the years. See more about it, including packaging, at This Old Toy.

I had a tape recorder as a kid, and it was a ton of fun. I’d record things, play them back, and do that over and over again. Eventually I learned how to connect two tape recorders together and “edit” audio into something new. I remember I cut up one of Reagan’s speeches and made him say things he never said. (Reminder: Ronald Reagan was the devil.)

I’ve been bothered by the order of the forward and rewind buttons on this thing. It seems like they should be swapped. Maybe it doesn’t bother anyone else? I don’t know…

I’ve been using Procreate for about two months now, and I’ve learned a lot about it, but there is still plenty to learn. I think I’ve come up with a technique that works for me, but it’s still evolving, which is exciting. The “exciting” part is great, because that’s when you get into something, and stick with it. I am almost positive that within a year or two I’ll just stop making these sketches, because that seems to be how it goes with me. Which is fine, and I’ve wrote before about being a serial enthusiast and I’ve come to accept it. But for now, I’m enjoying myself.

How do I do these sketches? I use an Apple Pencil on an iPad with Procreate. If you need a sketch or illustration or a print or something, let me know! Also, check out the Illustration page to see them all!


Skull Sketch


Here’s a skull, and yeah, I’m a huge fan of skulls… I mean, we’ve all got one. (Sorry for those of you who have been beheaded, as you may not have a skull anymore… but then, you’re probably not reading this.


Here’s a fun fact about this skull, I drew it based on a photo I took, and I took the photo of the skull that I 3D printed. So I got a digital file of a skull, then 3D printed it in two parts, glued it together, coated it, painted it, “weathered” it, and photographed it. And then years later used the photo for this sketch! Sometimes I really do take the long way around.


But when you’ve been making art (in various forms) for years, or even decades, you might find that things come back around. Themes, ideas, objects, methods, and all of that. It’s all about looking at something with a new perspective. I didn’t imagine five years ago when I printed the skull I’d even use it for a digital sketch.


And I hate to break it to you, that’s not all… You may see this skull pop up in another form, slightly different. Different medium, slightly different style, but somehow related. Maybe that’s what art is… a long string that connects disparate (or similar) things over time.


Hey! You probably already know that I do these sketches with an Apple Pencil on an iPad using Procreate. If you need a sketch or illustration or a print or something, let me know! Also, check out the Illustration page to see them all!

Note: This post contains an Affiliate Link. Read More.


Hermes 3000 Typewriter Sketch

I really don’t know a lot about the Hermes 3000, but it’s a pretty sweet looking typewriter if you ask me. I believe this is a newer/later version, as the original was more rounded and this one is more squared off. William Kotzwinkle wrote a novel and named it “Hermes 3000″… He also wrote the screenplay for Brokeback Mountain.

Other users of the Hermes 3000 include Sam Shepard, Stephen Fry, and Jack Kerouac, who wrote his final novel on a Hermes 3000.

And then there’s typewriter aficionado Tom Hanks (owner of over 250 typewriters) who said the Hermes 3000 would be the luxury item he would chose to take with him to a desert island.

Anyway, typewriters are beautiful machines and I like drawing machines and I like typewriters… so here we are!

In case you’re wondering, I do these sketches on an iPad using Procreate and an Apple Pencil. If you ever want a framed print of any of my sketches get in touch with me and we’ll work something out… Also, check out the Illustration page to see them all!

Note: This post contains an Affiliate Link. Read More.


Polaroid 645 Sketch

I don’t have a lot to say about this one except that it’s a Polaroid 645 Instant Camera and I have an affection for vintage electronics and of course I like cameras. Almost 20 years ago I received a few vintage cameras, nothing too amazing, but they were old and somewhat interesting, and I ended up giving them to a friend who was way more into it than I was at the time… Every now and then I sort of wish I had kept some of them.

It’s weird to think back to all of the cameras I’ve owned or used over the years… personally and at various jobs. My daughter is a huge photography nut, and when she was in school she interviewed me about photography, and cameras, including all the old ones I used to own. It was fun and interesting and I may even still have a copy of her report somewhere. I should find it and post it!

In the meantime, enjoy this sketch of a Polaroid 645 Instant Camera. I plan to dig up other old electronic devices and do sketches of those as well. If you’ve got an idea or a favorite, let me know!

I still like doing these sketches! I do them with an Apple Pencil on an iPad using Procreate. If you ever want a framed print of any of my sketches get in touch with me and we’ll work something out… Also, check out the Illustration page to see them all!

Note: This post contains an Affiliate Link. Read More.