Home > Political Economy > US corporate profits after tax 1990 to 2011

US corporate profits after tax 1990 to 2011

from David Ruccio

US corporate profits after tax 1990 to 2011

  1. September 28, 2011 at 3:00 am

    Hmmm….. I wonder, if we could see the lines for real inflation, indexed real wages, consumer spending, permits & building starts, rental values, food prices, oil & gasoline prices, and spot gold prices or the metals index for the same period, would that give us a clearer picture?

  2. harry tuttle
    September 29, 2011 at 2:47 am

    Is that where the rich go skiing?

  3. Ted
    November 30, 2011 at 6:58 pm

    Aren’t “real” profits indexed against a base year (like constant dollars)? If so, shouldn’t nominal and real be close near the beginning of the graph and get farther apart towards the end? Or does “real profits” mean something else?

  4. Alice
    December 1, 2011 at 11:16 am

    Here was I thinking corporates were all struggling to survive due to heavy handed regulation and too high taxes if you believe Fox News (which Im sure by now… not many people do).
    Id say that graph is the outcome of the Greenspan era…corporates doing just fine thankyou and everyone else, Mum Dad and the kids, Grandma and Grandpa, quietly imploding.

  5. Stephen Jenkins
    February 19, 2012 at 6:37 pm

    Please reconstruct graph after subtracting out government deficits- not so impressive is it?

    • August 15, 2013 at 7:02 am

      What are you talking about Stephen. The reason we had a deficit yearly is BECAUSE corporations only pay 2% taxes on all that profit. If we were to tax them a fair 30%, we’d have to multiply by another .28 and that would have given us over a trillion dollars a year extra in US funds for our budget. So, I’m not so sure you want to account for all they stole in tax deductions for then it means they still made a killing and we would have had money for schools, infrastructure, medical research, Medicare and Social Security (which the government had to borrow trillions from because your apparent corporate friends decided to cheat on paying taxes and won’t pay a penny more than 2%). 2%? You really think that’s fair while the rest of us pay 30%? I don’t!!

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