Spinchat.com is a free-to-use online community.

Find new friends.

Create your own profile with photos, blog and guestbook or collect virtual gifts.

Instantly chat, play, or start a discussion!
Free registration
A maximum of two accounts per person are permitted. In order to use Spinchat.com, we recommend that you should be at least 16 years of age. Tips for minors.
Required information

Your visible user-name - think of a nickname for yourself.

At least 6 characters.

We will be sending a confirmation email to this address with a link on which you have to click. We will not pass on your address, nor send you any spam, and the address will not be shown anywhere in your profile against your will.

Please use your own email address to which no-one else (eg. friends or relatives) has access.

Your date of birth will not be published against your will.

Optional information

The zip code will not be displayed in the profile.
Please enter it nevertheless, so that we can show you people living near to you.

Terms of Use