Css Beautifier

Indentation size
Indentation character
Indent with tabs, overrides size and character
End output with newline
Add a newline between multiple selectors
Add a newline between CSS rules

What does Styleneat do exactly?

It organizes and standardizes your CSS - selectors, sub-selectors and properties - in a structure that makes it easier to define page areas and see how they relate to each other.

So, for example, it turns this:

#id1 { property: value; }
#id1 .class1 { property: value; }
#id1 .class1 a { property: value; property2: value2; property3: value3; }
#id1 .class1 a span { property: value; property2: value2; }
#id2 { property: value; }
#id2 .class { property: value; }

into this:

#id1 {
    property: value;
#id1 .class1 {
    property: value;
#id1 .class1 a {
    property: value;
    property2: value2;
    property3: value3;
#id1 .class1 a span {
    property: value;
    property2: value2;
#id2 {
    property: value;
#id2 .class {
    property: value;

Does it work the same as other optimizers / formatters available already?

Styleneat was built from scratch and it organizes your CSS in a much better way.

Will it break my layout?

Absolutely not! We've tested it on several websites with huge and complex stylesheets and it never let us down. However, if you find a bug. or have a suggestion, please let us know via the feedback form.

Thats it?

No, we'll refine, tweak and improve Styleneat over time until we're convinced it can't get any better. Besides, we're looking to make it a full-featured CSS organizer and optimizer, so make sure to bookmark us and stay tuned!

How can I help?

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