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Monarchs, Cold Summers, Jet Streams, Volcanoes, and More

By Chip Taylor and Janis Lentz

Chip Taylor directs Monarch Watch at the University of Kansas
Janis Lentz teaches at Weslaco East High School in Weslaco, TX

The topic for our first discussion will be the effect of cold summers on the development of monarch populations, in the heart of the monarch breeding area (Figure 1).

Figure 1. Natal origins of monarchs at overwintering colonies in Mexico.
Wassenaar and Hobson, 1998.

As you will see, this topic will lead us into a discussion of the factors that contribute to lower than normal summer temperatures including changes in the position of the jet stream and volcanic eruptions. (Volcanoes are associated with many of the cold summers in the northern hemisphere over the last 120 years).

 The Questions

Scientific pursuits should start with well-defined questions, preferably ones that can be answered with available data, from new data obtained with a protocol appropriate for the question, or from carefully controlled experiments.

Let’s start with two questions:

First, what is the effect of cold summer temperatures on monarch populations? To be more specific, we are really asking what is the impact of colder than normal summer temperatures on the size of the fall migratory population?

Secondly, what is the underlying explanation for colder than normal summers?

Before we determine how to answer the questions, let’s ask where the questions came from. I have yet to encounter a question that can’t be traced to an observation and sometimes, as in this case, the juxtaposition of two observations. In this instance, I have for several months been contemplating the impact of what appeared to me to be a cooler than normal summer in the monarch’s northern breeding areas on the development of this year’s fall migratory population. Coincidentally, I had been reading a book by Simon Winchester about Krakatoa, a volcano between Sumatra and Java that explosively erupted on the 27th of August, 1883. This eruption had a profound impact on the world’s climate for several years. I’ll get back to Krakatoa, but before I do, let’s examine the first question in detail.

The Assumptions

Most questions of this type are based on assumptions and we should examine the assumption (or assumptions) to be sure they are justified. What is the assumption in this case?

The assumption is that the initial observation was correct and that this past summer was colder than normal. This observation is based on my experience in Kansas, where we had what I call a Minnesota summer, one more typical of the summers I experienced while growing up in Minnesota. In addition, supporting observations about the weather were related to us by Monarch Watchers throughout the critical breeding area of the upper Midwest and Ontario. However, general impressions are often wrong and to determine if the assumption is valid we need data. Further, even if it was colder than normal, it is useful to know how cold it was relative to other years, since we are trying to determine if a cold summer has an impact on monarchs. The main breeding ground for summer monarchs covers a large area between 40-50 degrees north latitude in eastern United States and Canada, roughly the area from St Joseph, MO to Winnipeg, MB in the west and Philadelphia northward in the east. If climates are regional, we should be able to check the records from two or three localities to see if they recorded similar deviations from normal. If we see the same pattern in two or more widespread locations, it would support the idea that the climate is regional. A check of the mean summer temperatures for Kearney, Nebraska

and Central Wisconsin

shows that the pattern of high and low mean temperatures over many years are similar with both showing lower than normal temperatures for 2004. A further search of the NOAA web site confirms that the overall pattern for the 40-50 degree north zone for 2004 was also one of low temperatures.

So, our assumption, based on the general observation that the summer was cooler, is correct. But, what is the explanation for this pattern? The colder summer has been attributed to a shift in the position of the jet stream

The jet stream is an upper level wind pattern that has a strong influence on the climate. Normally, the jet stream moves northward in the summer months and doesn’t strongly influence the temperatures and weather patterns in the middle of the continent. This year the jet stream was positioned much further south over the middle of North America, preventing warm air masses from the Gulf Coast, southwest and west from penetrating into the middle of the continent while bringing in cooler air masses from Canada.

So, How Cold Was It?

So, how cold was it this summer? Actually, the summer of 2004 was colder than any summer since 1992 and before that 1950 and 1951. I will have something to say about these two previous cold periods, but let’s first determine how the cold weather this year might have affected the monarch population.

Degree Days and Monarch Growing Season

As you may know, the rate of development of monarchs through all life stages is temperature dependent. To understand how to relate daily temperatures to the rate of growth of monarchs, we need to understand two simple concepts, developmental zero and degree-days. Developmental zero (DZ) refers to the fact that there are both low (DZmin) and high (DZmax) temperatures at which all stages of the monarch will not grow. The metabolic machinery slows down and development stops. At the low end of the scale, monarch eggs, larvae and pupae will not grow or develop if the temperature is lower than 52.7F(11.5C). At the higher end, larvae fail to survive when the temperatures remain at 91.4F (33C). The measurement of degree days is a way to calculate the amount of growth, or physiological, time that occurs in a 24 hour period. To calculate how each day contributes to the development of the monarch population at a specific location, we need to know the maximum and minimum temperatures for each day and whether the temperature was lower than 52.7 F (11.5C) or higher than 91.4F (33C) degrees. There are several formulas for calculating degree days (DD) but the easiest one to use is as follows:

DD = (Tmax + Tmin) ÷ 2 – DZmin

where DD = degree days; Tmax = maximum temperature; Tmin = minimum temperature; and DZmin = temperature below which monarchs will not grow (52.7F). In performing this calculation you may also use DZmax = temperature above which monarchs will not grow (91.4F).

There are two rules to follow in calculating degree days using this formula:

if Tmax > DZmax, set Tmax = DZmax


if Tmin < DZmin, set Tmin = DZmin


if for a typical summer day Tmax = 88 and Tmin = 60, the equation is

DD = (88 + 60) ÷ 2 - 52.7 or DD = 74 - 52.7 = 21.3
that is, 21.3 degree days

On the other hand, if Tmax =  95 (greater than DZmax) and Tmin = 50 (less than DZmin) by substituting the DZ values for the for the temperature values, the equation becomes

DD = (91.4 + 52.7) ÷ 2 - 52.7 or DD = 72.05 - 52.7 = 19.3
that is, 19.3 degree days

We should note here that there are two special cases to consider, both of which result in zero monarch development (though DD is not the same in both instances):

if Tmax and Tmin are both > Dmax, then DD = Dmax - Dmin


if Tmax and Tmin are both < Dmin, then DD = 0

Metabolic rate and growth is not linear over the range of 52.7F to 91.4F degrees, but rises slowly as temperature increases above 52.7F, peaking at 84.2F (29C) degrees and then declining to reach a basal or maintenance level at 91.4F. At 91.4 F degrees caterpillars do not grow and eventually die (Zalucki 1982). Graphically, representations of metabolic rates, or growth, relative to temperature, are a bit like a J that has been tilted 140 degrees to the left. Because the formula for degree days doesn’t account for the non-linear development over the range of temperatures at which growth occurs, it only provides an approximation of developmental rate. However, it is pretty close.

The total number of degree days (DD) required for monarchs to develop from the time an egg is laid to the time at which an adult female lays her first egg is 397C degree days. The egg requires 45C degree days, the larval stages 187, the pupa 120 and the adult female 45C degree days from emergence to egg laying (Zalucki 1982, Zalucki and Rochester 2004). For convenience we will round off the egg to egg period to 400C DD. Since all the calculations by Zalucki for DD were made in Celsius (centigrade) and the data from our weather service comes in Fahrenheit we need to convert 400 DD to the Fahrenheit equivalent, 720 DD.

The minimum developmental time from egg to adult is 24 days and to this we need to add 3 days to account for the time after emergence until a female is mated and laying eggs. Thus, a monarch maturing at the maximum rate (i.e., in 27 days) averages 26.7F (14.81C) degree days per day. The interval from egg to egg is often used as a measure of the length of a generation. If we wanted to know the number of degree days - and therefore potential number of generations of monarchs for a summer for a specific location - all we have to do is apply the above formula for degree days for each day of the “monarch growing season.” Degree days are then summed until a total of 720 has been accumulated for a generation. The “monarch growing season” is simply the interval from the date of the arrival of the first monarchs at a given location to the midpoint of the migration. Because we usually don’t see the first monarch arrive in the spring, we will use the average date of first arrival to mark the beginning of the monarch growing season at each latitude. Since some monarchs are still larvae and pupae when the fall migration starts, we will use the midpoint of the migration as the end of the growing season. The average dates of arrival in the spring and the midpoints for the migration are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1. Average arrival dates for spring monarchs, midpoints and peaks of the fall migration by latitude.

Latitude Arrival** Midpoint*** Peak in monarch abundance
49 7 June 26 August 18-30 August
47 30 May 1 September 24 August -5 September
45 22 May 6 September 29 August - 10 September
43 14 May 11 September 3 - 15 September
41 6 May 16 September 8 - 20 September
39 28 April 22 September 14-26 September
37 14 April 27 September 19 September - 1 October
35 2 April 2 October 24 September - 6 October
33 27 March 7 October 29 September - 11 October
31 22 March 12 October 4-16 October
29 18 March 18 October 10-22 October
27 15 March 23 October 15-27 October
25 13 March 28 October 20 October - 1 November
23 4 November 27 October -8 November
21 11 November 3-15 November
19.4* 18 November 10-22 November

*This latitude represents the general vicinity of the overwintering colonies.
**Average dates of first arrival in the spring are derived from observations submitted to Dplex-L and Journey North
***Derived from unpublished analysis by David Gibo and Chip Taylor

To determine if the number of degree days differs between a warm year and a cold year, we have calculated the number of degree days for Lawrence, KS from 28 April until 22 September for 2003 and 2004 in Appendix 1. The number of degree days for this period in 2004 was 2858 or 4.1% less than that of 2003 (2980.2). This difference isn’t very great but if we look at the length of the generations for each year (Table 2) we can see how the lower temperatures in 2004 extended the length of the mid summer generations.

Table 2. Duration of monarch generations in days in Lawrence, KS*

Year 1 2 3 4 5
2003 52 29 32 >36 >10
2004 44 35 38 >35

*The assumption here is that the first generation starts on the average date of first arrival. If monarchs arrive late, the effect is to shorten the number of days for the first generation because temperatures increase as the season progresses. However, late arrivals can also have the effect of reducing the number of generations or contributing to the late development of the last generation putting them at risk of not being able to complete development in sufficient time to join the migration.

This analysis shows that, even in Lawrence, KS, an area at the southern end of the monarch’s summer breeding range, a cool summer can have a significant impact on the length of each generation as well as the potential production of monarchs. Such an impact is likely to be greater in the northern portions of the monarch breeding area, such as MN, WI and MI, where the monarch growing season is shorter and the summer temperatures even lower than in KS. To test this possibility, we examined the degree days for Minneapolis, MN for 2003 and 2004 (Appendix 2). At this latitude (45N) the growing season extends from 22 May to 10 September (112 days). Note that due to the shorter season and lower temperatures, the number of generations in Minneapolis is effectively limited to only two, whereas in KS four generations are generally the rule. In total degree days, the 20.3% difference between 2003 (2006.55) and 2004 (1601.15) in MN is greater than that in KS (4.1%). Thus, it would appear that the cold summer of 2004 had a greater impact on monarch development in Minneapolis (Table 3) than it did in Lawrence.

Table 3. Duration of monarch generations in days in Minneapolis, MN*.

Year 1 2 3
2003 47 39 >27
2004 57 46 >10

*This analysis suggests a partial third generation of monarchs for Minneapolis in 2003 – assuming an arrival date of 22 May. On the other hand, a late arrival in 2004 would seem to put some of the second generation monarchs at risk of not completing develop in time to join the migration.

Cold Summers

As mentioned above, the cause of the cold summer in 2004 was a change in the position of the jet stream that brought its path lower over the mid-portion of the continent than is the case in most summers.

Going back through the temperature records the most recent cold summer was 1992 (Figure 2)

Figure 2. Mean summer (June- August) temperatures for the East North Central Region of the United States.

The cold summer of 1992 was followed by a slightly warmer summer in 1993, one that was noteworthy for mid-summer flooding in many parts of the Midwest. These two events were clearly associated with the “dust veil” cast into the lower stratosphere by the June 1991 eruption of Mount Pinatubo in the Philippines. Going back a bit further, the next notably cold summer occurred in 1950. The summer of 1951 produced record rainfall in eastern KS and the worst mid-summer flooding recorded in this part of the Midwest. (If these two cold periods are an indication, 2005 could be a wet year in the lower Midwest.) The cold summer of 1950 was presumably associated with the position of the jet stream. However, the effect of the jet stream was not understood at that time and its position wasn’t recorded. [1950 was also a La Niña year, an event associated with lower temperatures and higher rainfall - see below] The “dust veil index” was low and there was no volcanic activity to account for this cold period, nor for the coldest summer (1915) in the last century. The “dust veil index” (DVI) is a measure of the dust cast into the stratosphere by volcanoes. The dust serves as a shield to incoming radiation from the sun and has the effect of reducing the amount of the sun’s energy that reaches the earth’s surface and the lower atmosphere, thereby reducing the mean temperature of the earth. The DVI has been calculated from the year 1500 to the present. Note that there are periods of volcanic activity and other times when volcanic eruptions are few and the DVI drops to near zero. We haven’t found a temperature record back to 1500 but there are records for the earth’s mean temperature back to 1867. We have combined these two sets of data in Figure 3 and divided the period from 1867 into three sections, a volcanic period from 1867 to 1917 (Fig 4), a period with no major volcanic eruptions (1918-1966), and a second volcanic interval from 1967–2001 (Fig 5).

Figure 3. Yearly worldwide average temperature and Dust Veil Index (DVI).

Globally averaged temperatures were obtained from

Dust Veil Index was obtained from

Figure 4. Yearly worldwide temperatures and Dust Veil Index (DVI) 1867-1917.

This graph shows that worldwide temperatures usually decrease following major volcanic eruptions such as Krakatoa (1883) and Soufriere & Pelee (1902). The exception here is the increase in temperature in 1878 associated with a strong El Niño (

Figure 5. Yearly worldwide temperatures and Dust Veil Index (DVI) 1967-2001.

The two major volcanic eruptions in this period were El Chichon (1983) and Mt Pinatubo (1991). Note that Mt St Helens (1980) did not contribute substantially to the DVI.

There are two striking things to note about this analysis; the mean temperature of the earth is more variable during volcanic intervals and the mean temperature rose progressively through time and increased substantially (.425 C or about 3%) from the second to the most recent period (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Mean and variance of worldwide temperatures.

The error bars indicate a greater variance in temperatures during periods of volcanic activity, 1867-1917 and 1967-2001 than a non-volcanic period 1918-1966. The El Niño-La Niña cycle evidently contributes to the variance as well. There have been 7 strong El Niño-La Niña events since 1967. Such events were evidently less common prior to the 1950s.

Clearly, the earth is much warmer now than it was in the first quarter of the 20th century, and through much of the 19th century, suggesting that monarchs in those time periods had less of an opportunity to develop substantial populations than has been the case in the last 80 years. This statement is supported by the temperature records over the last 600 yrs; see

The impact of dust from volcanoes in the stratosphere (DVI) is shown in Figure 4. One of the largest volcanic eruptions was Krakatoa, which occurred on the 27th of August 1883. The volume of dust cast into the atmosphere by this volcano was sufficient to reduce the earth’s temperature for the following four years. Interestingly, summer temperature records for the upper Midwest (Minneapolis) during this interval were not exceptionally cold. Chicago, on the other hand, had 4 cold summers in a row starting in 1884. Extreme cold temperatures at the end of August in 1885 and 1887 in Minneapolis ( certainly must have delayed the emergence of the last monarchs and disrupted or delayed the migration.

The Year Without a Summer

In this context, it is also interesting to contemplate the impact of Tambora, a volcano in Indonesia. Tambora explosively erupted in April 1815. It’s characterized as the largest volcanic eruption of the 19th century and of recorded history. The dust canopy that enveloped the earth after the Tambora eruption cooled the atmosphere, resulting in an extremely cold summer in the northern hemisphere in 1816. Crop failures due to the short growing seasons and midsummer frosts led to starvation and political unrest in parts of Europe and emigration in the United States. 1816 was characterized as the “year without a summer” and the effect in New England was so harsh that many residents left the region in the next few years for the frontiers in the eastern portion of the Midwest. Tambora therefore seems to have had the effect of accelerating the colonization of the Midwest. Given the impact of our relatively cold summer in 2004 on monarchs (the lowest recorded number of monarchs since monitoring began in 1992 at Cape May (, imagine the impact of the summer temperatures of 1816 on monarch reproduction throughout it’s range. It seems likely that Tambora had a severe impact on monarch populations as well as those of many other species (see below).

Factors Influencing Summer Weather

The factors, and interactions among them, that influence summer weather patterns are complex and not thoroughly understood. Some of the possible interactions are summarized in Table 4.

This table provides a summary of the world temperatures in relation to the strong El Niño and La Niña events recorded since 1950. The mean world temperature is given for the year before the start of the event, for the year of the event, and for the year following the event. Because of the size of the earth’s atmosphere relative to regional events, such as volcanic eruptions and heating or cooling of the mid pacific, there is a time lag before the effects of such events are seen, hence the emphasis on the year after the event. Note that the mean world temperature was lower for each year after a La Niña event and higher for each of the El Niño events, except for 1991-1992.

Table 4. Relationship of Strong El Niños and La Niñas to Mean World Temperature (C).



Year Before


Year After


La Niña



13.676 (lower)


El Niño



14.326 (higher)


La Niña



13.892 (lower)


La Niña



13.622 (lower)


El Niño



14.612 (higher)


La Niña



14.504 (lower)


El Niño



14.288 (lower)


El Niño



15.242 (higher)

The El Niño and La Niña years were chosen from a consensus list found at

Globally averaged temperatures were obtained from

* El Chichon, Mexico, erupted March-April 1982
** Mt. Pinatubo, Philippines, erupted June 1991

In June of 1991 Mt Pinatubo erupted in the Philippines, an event which lowered world temperatures dramatically. It is interesting to consider that the impact of Pinatubo might have been even greater were it not for the strong El Niño which occurred in the same time frame. The strong El Niño of 1982-1983 may have had the effect of blunting the impact of eruption of El Chichon (1982) in Mexico as well. Scientists disagree strongly as to whether there is any connection between volcanic eruptions and El Niño events. One analysis suggests that volcanoes trigger the occurrence of El Niños:

while another maintains that El Niños have occurred coincidentally with volcanic eruptions ( Whether the relationship between volcanic eruptions and El Niños is causal or coincidental is still unclear however, it is evident that El Niños and La Niñas occur independently of volcanic activity. An example of the latter is the strong El Niño of 1997-1998 that may have contributed significantly to the elevated mean world temperature in 1998, the highest mean temperature (15.242C) recorded for the planet to date. Less clear are the factors that contribute to the position of the jet stream in mid summer and the occasional sudden drop in the world’s temperature as was the case in 1917. Volcanic eruptions are not associated with this year and studies of jet streams and El Niños did not begin until the late 1940s. One retrospective analysis attributes the drop in temperature in 1917 to the effect of a strong La Niña in 1916. The summer of 1915 was the coldest in North America in over 105 years but we have been unable to attribute this unusual summer to any particular cause.

In summary, temperatures during the monarch breeding season, especially in the Upper Midwest and Ontario, appear to have a strong influence on the size of the monarch’s fall migratory population. However, other factors such as droughts in the spring in Texas, predation by fire ants and other predators and parasites, the survival rates of the overwintering population during the winter and as they move northward through Mexico in the spring, and the distribution, abundance and condition of milkweeds, have a significant role in determining the numbers of monarchs in the annual cycle.


We would like to thank Jim Lovett and Sarah Schmidt, Monarch Watch Program Assistants, for their assistance in creating materials included in this article and for their proofreading and revision of the text. Without their input the publication of this article would not have been possible.

Notes, Lessons, Background Information and Web Sites

Growing Season and Migration Window

The average arrival dates for spring monarchs in Table 1 is used as the start of the growing season. In the fall, the “migration window” at each latitude, that is the interval from the start of the migration until it ends (except for a small percentage of stragglers) is approximately 26 days. Therefore, to estimate the end of the growing season for your latitude, you need to know the midpoint of the migration. As an example, the average date of arrival of the first monarchs in Lawrence, KS (39N) is 28 April. In the fall, the average date for the arrival of migrants from the north is 9 September. Therefore, the midpoint of the migration is 22 September for a potential growing season of 148 days. Using these same criteria, the potential growing season for Minneapolis, MN (45N) is 112 days.

Degree Days

Because development peaks at 84.2F (29C) degrees it seems logical to expect that the maximum growth rate could be achieved at a constant temperature at this level. If this were the case, the length of a monarch generation would be a little over 24 days rather than 28. However, there are constraints on the rate of growth. Increasing temperature is not like pressing your foot on the gas pedal of a car, the organism must rest, food needs to be processed, etc. Monarch larvae actually mature faster under fluctuating rather than constant temperatures.

Developmental zero and degree days have been treated in two previous Updates:

developmental zero - and

degree days -

In the previous explanation of degree days, I used an example of monarch grow rates in the vicinity of Mc Allen, TX, during a period, mid March-early April, when the temperature extremes did not reach either the low of 52.7F or the high of 91F.

For more information on how to calculate degree days for insects please see:

How Cold was it in the Summer of 2004?

The temperature extremes recorded for some selected cities can be found at:
Note that the summer of 2004 was the third coldest recorded in South Dakota and that many sites experienced record low maximum temperatures.

The following site provides many maps and figures showing the regional temperature patterns for June-August: It is clear from these graphics that the monarch breeding area experienced below normal, or much below normal, temperatures during the summer of 2004.

The figure shown at the following site shows the summer temperatures for the north central region (MN, WI, MI, IA) since 1895:

The coldest summer occurred in 1915, closely followed by 1992 and 1927, then 1967, 1950 and 2004 (the temperatures of the latter being similar to those of 1903 and 1904 which followed the volcanic eruptions of 1902). For a review of the summer of 2004 on a national scale see:

The following site shows the five coldest summers for south central Nebraska:

Note that in this region the summer of 1992, the Mt Pinatubo summer, was the coldest on record and that 2004 is among the top five coldest summers throughout this region.

Impact of Cold Summers on Other Wildlife

While monarchs are our focus, we shouldn’t forget that other species are affected by the same conditions. While giving a talk at a local Audubon Society meeting recently, one of the members mentioned that hawk owls, snowy owls, great gray owls, cross bills, grosbeaks, and other northern birds began moving into northern Minnesota in extraordinary numbers in late November and early December. I had seen this report, see also

but it all snapped into place when a member of the audience mentioned that such a southern migration of these boreal residents hadn’t been seen in over 50 years – in the early 1950s. Do you see the connection? The summer of 1950 was one of the coldest of the century and this was followed by another relatively cold summer in 1951. What happens in the boreal forests during cold summers? We can only speculate, but it seems likely that lower temperatures reduce the growing season, limit growth rates of plants, delay maturation of fruits and seeds, etc., and that these effects create a food shortage for rodents, reducing their populations below those that can sustain the owl populations - leading to the southward migrations of these northern birds.

Ben Franklin and Volcanoes

Ben Franklin was a keen observer, an analytical thinker, and a problem solver. In 1783, Ben was in France. In June of that year, the eruption of the Laki volcano in Iceland produced a dust cloud that quickly spread over northern Europe, resulting in a dry fog that cooled the air. Franklin observed that the fog was not dissipated by the heat of the sun, as is normally the case with a fog containing moisture. He deduced that the cooling effect was due to the opacity of the dry fog that he attributed to a volcano in Iceland (Hecla Hecla) that erupted in 1776. He evidently was unaware of the massive dust cloud created by Laki in 1783. Ben Franklin’s original account can be found at:

General Information on the Effects of Volcanoes on Weather

There are numerous web sites containing texts that discuss the relationships of volcanic eruptions to weather. These relationships are complex. The impact of volcanic eruptions on the earth’s temperature appears to be a function of the height to which the volcanic ash is cast into the atmosphere, the size of the particles and their composition. The eruption of Mt St Helens in 1980 had little impact since most of the ash remained in the troposphere and was quickly washed out by rainfall. If the ash particles in an eruption are small (2 microns), incoming radiation is intercepted and the effect is to lower the earth’s temperature. On the other hand, if the particles are large (5 microns), incoming radiation is not particularly affected but outgoing radiation is trapped creating a “greenhouse” or heating effect. Most of the particulate matter consists of sulfuric acid and deposits of the sulfuric acid “fallout” from volcanoes have been observed in ice cores from glaciers.

The following texts will give students a start on this topic:

This link is to a Google search page and does not identify any particular text:

Note Figure 1 in the following article: This figure shows the deviations from normal temperatures in the period before and following the eruptions of select volcanoes, e.g., Krakatoa in 1883, Pelee and Soufriere in 1902, Agung in 1963, and Mt Pinatoubo in 1991. The data in this figure indicates that the impact of eruptions can last for several years.

If you or your students want to really dig deep, here are two web sites that will lead you into the primary literature:

Anyone with a serious interest in this topic will find something of value, such as how polar bears benefited from the Mt Pinatubo eruption or how volcanoes influenced art and literature, in a PowerPoint presentation on Volcanoes and Climate by Professor Alan Robock found at See item #26.

The Year without a Summer and other Climate Changes Associated with Volcanic Eruptions

The summer of 1816 is a wow topic that should pique the interests of many students. This subject is suitable for discussions, or assignments, on climatology, volcanoes, geography, history, agriculture, anthropology, etc. Web sites on this topic include:

Another year without a summer occurred in 1783. In this case, the cold weather was linked to an eruption of the volcano Laki in Iceland. The impact of this eruption was limited to more northerly latitudes as depicted in this article:

Additional websites:

1816: The Year Without a Summer


New Hampshire







 Central Canada Newspaper Accounts

 Manitoba – Hudson Bay Company Archives

Worldwide Effects

 Weather Notebook

Fact of the Day

Sound clip Windows Media Player) from the Hawthorne Community Association

Year without a summer

Events of 1816

Climate Changes of 535-536

Were the Dark Ages Triggered by Volcano-Related Climate Changes in the 6th Century?

Events of 535

Events of 536

Major Volcanic Eruptions

A list of major volcanoes, their locations and histories of activity can be found at: and at

The following site is designed with students in mind: To track current volcanic activity, please see: and A list of volcano cams can be found at:

Krakatoa - 27 August 1883

As you will see below, the explosive eruption of Krakatoa not only affected the climate but produced a tsunami that killed 10s of thousands of people in Indonesia. A surge in sea level was recorded as far away as England and the sound produced by the explosion was heard over 2900 miles away!

The Great Explosion of the Krakatau Volcano

BBC News Krakatoa: The first modern tsunami

ABC News: Past Indonesia Disasters Altered History

The Indonesian Digest: The Explosion of Krakatoa Mountain (includes timeline)

Why the sky was red in Munch's 'The Scream'

Windows to the Universe - Krakatoa

Reading Guide to Krakatoa by Simon Winchester

Teacher’s Guide to Krakatoa aligned to National Science Education Standards.,1819,225,00.shtm

Eisenhower National Clearinghouse: curriculum resources search for volcanoes

PBS Secrets of the Dead – Catastrophe!
Read about tree ring analysis, ice cores, and additional resources for students and teachers. Follow this link to read the transcripts of the program:

The Twenty-one Balloons

Du Bois, W. P. (1947). The twenty-one balloons. pp 180. Viking. NY

Dust Veil Index (DVI)

The data for the dust veil index (DVI) figures was obtained from: A general description of how the dust veil index is derived can be found at:

Jet Streams

General descriptions of jet streams can be found at: and

The current position of the jet stream can be found at:

Archives of the patterns of the jet stream across the United States for the last three years can be found at: A student interested in meteorology could use these archives as the basis for a study on the relationship of the position of jet streams to weather, crop production, etc.

El Niño Years

Again, this is a fascinating topic for students in that El Niños, as drivers of climate and weather patterns, manifestly affect life on earth. During the El Niño winter of 1997-1998 it became so dry at the monarch overwintering sites in Mexico that the monarch colonies moved downslope into areas where none of the residents had ever seen them before. It seems likely that the monarchs moved to more humid areas or those closer to sources of water.

The following are two extraordinary and fascinating web sites that will give students in depth information on the impact of El Niños:ño/ and

Engaging Students

To engage students in the analysis of the effects of climate on the development of monarch populations, establish the monarch growing season for your area as set out above and then visit web sites for the nearest temperature records for your area. The data you need are the maximum and minimum temperatures for each day. If you wish to simply get students to learn how to make the calculations, they could compare the temperature data and degree days for a pair of hot (1933, 1983) and cold (1915, 1992) summers for Minneapolis, MN. To obtain the complete data for these years or any others, for the last hundred years or more, visit the websites indicated below.

More climate information for Minneapolis-St. Paul and for the state of Minnesota can be found by following these links:

Preliminary Local Climatological Data - Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN to present

Select the month from the chart to display daily maximum and minimum temperatures. Column 1 is the day, column 2 is the maximum, and column 3 is the minimum.

Daily Weather Records for Twin Cities 1890-2003

Scroll down to Historical Climate Data Listing for the Twin Cities and select the data sets from 1890 to 2003.

Searchable Map for Minnesota climate data

Use the button at Target location to accesses the map. Click the button under the map to return to the search page to set the year and select the temperature.

How to find Temperature Data for Your location

1. Weather Underground

One site that is easy for students to use is Weather Underground at

Go to the top left corner of the page and enter the city and state, zip code, airport code, or country. A new page will open with current weather conditions for the area you have chosen. Below the Current Conditions section is History & Almanac. Search the Detailed History and Climate section by selecting the month, day, and year from 1970 to present The new History page has Daily Summary information including maximum and minimum temperatures for the selected day.

On the left side of the page there are links to weather data in Canada and Mexico under the International banner. Historical weather information can be retrieved for Canada and Mexico from 1996 to present.

2. National Weather Service Southern Region Headquarters

Click on the map to find local weather information. When the page opens for your area, scroll down the blue section on the left to Climate. Follow these links to find information and weather records for your local area.

3. NCDC National Climatic Data Center

Search for weather stations by typing in the city and state.

Typing Lawrence KS, opens this page:

The first entry, Lawrence, KS, has records from 01 Sep 1894 to present.

In a search of other cities, Des Moines, IA, airport has data from 1878 to present, and Lincoln NE, has data from 1896 to 2000.

4. To order historical climatological data online from the National Virtual Data System, go to

These publications require a payment. However, please read these statements on free access for domains that resolve back to .edu or .k12.

Search for additional data sets at and

5. Additional Climate Data

National Climatic Data Center

Search for data by station name and call sign. Links to data inventories are at the top of the page. Scroll down to find links to climate data available from the National Climate Data Center for each area.

National Climate Data Center

State Climate Offices

Click on the map to link to State Climatology Offices.

Clicking on Ohio, for example, brings up a page with links to the Midwestern Climate Center and to a list of Public Access (Free) climate data sites. The Michigan State Climatologist's Office uses a map to link to local historical climatological summary tables. The Office of the New Jersey State Climatologist has links to daily temperatures from 1971 to 2000 at

Articles and books

Du Bois, W. P. (1947). The twenty-one balloons. pp 180. Viking. NY.

Hansen, J., R. Ruedy, M. Sato, M. Imhoff, W. Lawrence, D. Easterling, T. C. Peterson, and T. R. Karl (2001), A closer look at United States and global surface temperature change, J. Geophys. Res., 106(D20), 23,947-23,963.

Mann, M.E., et al. 2000. Global Temperature Patterns in Past Centuries: An Interactive Presentation, IGBP Pages/World Data Center for Paleoclimatology Data Contribution Series #2000-075. NOAA/NGDC Paleoclimatology Program, Boulder CO, USA.

Wassenaar, L. I. and K. A. Hobson. 1998 Natal origins of migratory Monarch butterflies at wintering colonies in Mexico: New isotopic evidence. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 95; 15436-15439.

Winchester, S. 2003. Krakatoa. Perennial, HarperCollins Publishers, NY, pp 416.

Zalucki, M. P. 1982. Temperature and rate of development in Danaus plexippus L. and D. chrysippus L. (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae). Journal of the Australian Entomological Society 21: 241-246.

Zalucki, M. P. 2004. Spatial and temporal population dynamics of monarchs down-under: Lessons for North America. p219-228. In The Monarch Butterfly: Biology and Conservation, eds Oberhauser, K. S. and M. J. Solensky. Cornell University press, Ithaca.


Appendix 1. Maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and degree days for Lawrence, KS in 2003 and 2004.

Date (2003) Tmax Tmin Degree Days Date (2004) Tmax Tmin Degree Days
28-Apr 73 60 13.8 28-Apr 84 64 21.3
29-Apr 81 55 15.3 29-Apr 64 60 9.3
30-Apr 84 62 20.3 30-Apr 62 46 4.65
1-May 62 48 4.65 1-May 64 37 5.65
2-May 73 45 10.15 2-May 60 35 3.65
3-May 73 48 10.15 3-May 64 30 5.65
4-May 84 57 17.8 4-May 73 46 10.15
5-May 80 46 13.65 5-May 84 42 15.65
6-May 73 55 11.3 6-May 89 64 23.8
7-May 73 48 10.15 7-May 86 64 22.3
8-May 77 59 15.3 8-May 86 62 21.3
9-May 80 57 15.8 9-May 82 66 21.3
10-May 86 48 16.65 10-May 77 63 17.3
11-May 66 44 6.65 11-May 80 62 18.3
12-May 73 39 10.15 12-May 78 69 20.8
13-May 75 54 11.8 13-May 70 46 8.65
14-May 82 57 16.8 14-May 60 43 3.65
15-May 73 50 10.15 15-May 73 37 10.15
16-May 64 57 7.8 16-May 79 50 13.15
17-May 75 57 13.3 17-May 82 64 20.3
18-May 79 52 13.15 18-May 71 63 14.3
19-May 72 55 10.8 19-May 84 66 22.3
20-May 64 45 5.65 20-May 90 70 27.3
21-May 68 42 7.65 21-May 87 72 26.8
22-May 73 43 10.15 22-May 84 73 25.8
23-May 75 53 11.3 23-May 82 63 19.8
24-May 75 55 12.3 24-May 86 62 21.3
25-May 75 50 11.15 25-May 72 60 13.3
26-May 78 46 12.65 26-May 69 59 11.3
27-May 81 48 14.15 27-May 88 59 20.8
28-May 88 54 18.3 28-May 84 55 16.8
29-May 86 52 16.65 29-May 86 68 24.3
30-May 93 66 26 30-May 79 52 13.15
31-May 73 53 10.3 31-May 81 50 14.15
1-Jun 77 50 12.15 1-Jun 81 54 14.8
2-Jun 63 55 6.3 2-Jun 77 55 13.3
3-Jun 64 50 5.65 3-Jun 79 51 13.15
4-Jun 73 46 10.15 4-Jun 82 53 14.8
5-Jun 79 57 15.3 5-Jun 77 57 14.3
6-Jun 78 55 13.8 6-Jun 86 64 22.3
7-Jun 72 51 9.65 7-Jun 87 72 26.8
8-Jun 78 48 12.65 8-Jun 91 73 29.3
9-Jun 86 53 16.8 9-Jun 75 70 19.8
10-Jun 84 66 22.3 10-Jun 81 70 22.8
11-Jun 82 64 20.3 11-Jun 91 73 29.3
12-Jun 84 66 22.3 12-Jun 90 64 24.3
13-Jun 84 64 21.3 13-Jun 86 64 22.3
14-Jun 87 60 20.8 14-Jun 93 70 28
15-Jun 88 60 21.3 15-Jun 86 69 24.8
16-Jun 88 62 22.3 16-Jun 88 70 26.3
17-Jun 87 57 19.3 17-Jun 77 62 16.8
18-Jun 89 59 21.3 18-Jun 75 64 16.8
19-Jun 87 66 23.8 19-Jun 69 57 10.3
20-Jun 82 61 18.8 20-Jun 78 59 15.8
21-Jun 84 60 19.3 21-Jun 82 66 21.3
22-Jun 86 68 24.3 22-Jun 79 59 16.3
23-Jun 91 66 25.8 23-Jun 87 55 18.3
24-Jun 93 75 30.5 24-Jun 88 57 19.8
25-Jun 82 66 21.3 25-Jun 73 54 10.8
26-Jun 82 55 15.8 26-Jun 79 50 13.15
27-Jun 90 59 21.8 27-Jun 69 62 12.8
28-Jun 90 66 25.3 28-Jun 78 57 14.8
29-Jun 84 69 23.8 29-Jun 80 52 13.65
30-Jun 86 66 23.3 30-Jun 84 57 17.8
1-Jul 91 66 25.8 1-Jul 81 69 22.3
2-Jul 95 68 27 2-Jul 78 69 20.8
3-Jul 100 72 29 3-Jul 84 68 23.3
4-Jul 99 73 29.5 4-Jul 89 69 26.3
5-Jul 98 73 29.5 5-Jul 88 68 25.3
6-Jul 95 73 29.5 6-Jul 82 60 18.3
7-Jul 98 79 32.5 7-Jul 82 55 15.8
8-Jul 98 81 33.5 8-Jul 84 66 22.3
9-Jul 98 72 29 9-Jul 87 68 24.8
10-Jul 91 66 25.8 10-Jul 91 66 25.8
11-Jul 93 66 26 11-Jul 91 70 27.8
12-Jul 88 63 22.8 12-Jul 93 72 29
13-Jul 93 64 25 13-Jul 98 75 30.5
14-Jul 102 72 29 14-Jul 88 71 26.8
15-Jul 97 68 27 15-Jul 89 64 23.8
16-Jul 102 62 24 16-Jul 89 70 26.8
17-Jul 102 79 32.5 17-Jul 84 66 22.3
18-Jul 108 78 32 18-Jul 84 62 20.3
19-Jul 93 73 29.5 19-Jul 93 66 26
20-Jul 100 69 27.5 20-Jul 97 71 28.5
21-Jul 96 71 28.5 21-Jul 93 75 30.5
22-Jul 86 62 21.3 22-Jul 89 73 28.3
23-Jul 84 57 17.8 23-Jul 78 71 21.8
24-Jul 93 54 20 24-Jul 73 59 13.3
25-Jul 98 71 28.5 25-Jul 77 61 16.3
26-Jul 104 73 29.5 26-Jul 80 55 14.8
27-Jul 104 75 30.5 27-Jul 82 60 18.3
28-Jul 90 75 29.8 28-Jul 82 59 17.8
29-Jul 90 66 25.3 29-Jul 77 63 17.3
30-Jul 93 62 24 30-Jul 82 64 20.3
31-Jul 96 63 24.5 31-Jul 89 63 23.3
1-Aug 89 62 22.8 1-Aug 93 66 26
2-Aug 95 68 27 2-Aug 96 75 30.5
3-Aug 95 66 26 3-Aug 98 71 28.5
4-Aug 93 63 24.5 4-Aug 87 73 27.3
5-Aug 99 70 28 5-Aug 82 63 19.8
6-Aug 96 68 27 6-Aug 79 57 15.3
7-Aug 93 69 27.5 7-Aug 84 54 16.3
8-Aug 93 64 25 8-Aug 82 63 19.8
9-Aug 93 68 27 9-Aug 88 66 24.3
10-Aug 91 66 25.8 10-Aug 80 60 17.3
11-Aug 87 64 22.8 11-Aug 73 51 10.15
12-Aug 87 64 22.8 12-Aug 75 46 11.15
13-Aug 89 62 22.8 13-Aug 73 54 10.8
14-Aug 91 68 26.8 14-Aug 78 53 12.8
15-Aug 95 66 26 15-Aug 80 48 13.65
16-Aug 100 68 27 16-Aug 80 53 13.8
17-Aug 105 68 27 17-Aug 91 62 23.8
18-Aug 106 70 28 18-Aug 95 64 25
19-Aug 104 70 28 19-Aug 75 57 13.3
20-Aug 104 73 29.5 20-Aug 75 53 11.3
21-Aug 109 78 32 21-Aug 73 52 10.15
22-Aug 99 73 29.5 22-Aug 88 57 19.8
23-Aug 100 70 28 23-Aug 82 66 21.3
24-Aug 102 64 25 24-Aug 86 68 24.3
25-Aug 105 75 30.5 25-Aug 87 71 26.3
26-Aug 104 71 28.5 26-Aug 93 71 28.5
27-Aug 100 71 28.5 27-Aug 91 71 28.3
28-Aug 90 73 28.8 28-Aug 80 63 18.8
29-Aug 86 71 25.8 29-Aug 81 55 15.3
30-Aug 75 66 17.8 30-Aug 84 59 18.8
31-Aug 68 64 13.3 31-Aug 86 64 22.3
1-Sep 64 62 10.3 1-Sep 87 64 22.8
2-Sep 82 59 17.8 2-Sep 86 61 20.8
3-Sep 89 55 19.3 3-Sep 88 63 22.8
4-Sep 82 52 14.65 4-Sep 90 66 25.3
5-Sep 82 48 14.65 5-Sep 90 68 26.3
6-Sep 84 53 15.8 6-Sep 82 55 15.8
7-Sep 84 48 15.65 7-Sep 80 51 13.65
8-Sep 86 51 16.65 8-Sep 78 50 12.65
9-Sep 88 63 22.8 9-Sep 82 50 14.65
10-Sep 90 66 25.3 10-Sep 86 54 17.3
11-Sep 79 62 17.8 11-Sep 86 55 17.8
12-Sep 71 59 12.3 12-Sep 89 57 20.3
13-Sep 68 55 8.8 13-Sep 90 64 24.3
14-Sep 75 50 11.15 14-Sep 91 64 24.8
15-Sep 81 46 14.15 15-Sep 82 60 18.3
16-Sep 82 55 15.8 16-Sep 82 51 14.65
17-Sep 84 68 23.3 17-Sep 78 50 12.65
18-Sep 71 45 9.15 18-Sep 90 66 25.3
19-Sep 68 36 7.65 19-Sep 89 64 23.8
20-Sep 73 39 10.15 20-Sep 84 59 18.8
21-Sep 75 52 11.15 21-Sep 87 60 20.8
22-Sep 75 45 11.5 22-Sep 84 57 17.8
2003 Total 2980.2 2004 Total 2858

Appendix 2. Maximum temperature, minimum temperature, and degree days for Minneapolis, MN in 2003 and 2004.

Date (2003) Tmax Tmin Degree Days Date (2004) Tmax Tmin Degree Days
22-May 53 52.7 0.15 22-May 57 52.7 2.15
23-May 65 52.7 6.15 23-May 50 52.7 0
24-May 69 52.7 8.15 24-May 57 52.7 2.15
25-May 75 52.7 11.15 25-May 57 52.7 2.15
26-May 75 52.7 11.15 26-May 71 52.7 9.15
27-May 83 52.7 15.15 27-May 65 52.7 6.15
28-May 77 61 16.3 28-May 71 52.7 9.15
29-May 82 52.7 14.65 29-May 63 55 6.3
30-May 76 53 11.8 30-May 75 55 12.3
31-May 64 52.7 5.65 31-May 67 52.7 7.15
1-Jun 76 52.7 11.65 1-Jun 58 52.7 2.65
2-Jun 76 56 13.3 2-Jun 71 52.7 9.15
3-Jun 75 52.7 11.15 3-Jun 74 52.7 10.65
4-Jun 75 55 12.3 4-Jun 79 52.7 13.15
5-Jun 81 52.7 14.15 5-Jun 79 56 14.8
6-Jun 72 57 11.8 6-Jun 81 55 15.3
7-Jun 64 57 7.8 7-Jun 94 70 29.3
8-Jun 73 54 10.8 8-Jun 81 57 16.3
9-Jun 77 52.7 12.15 9-Jun 67 58 9.8
10-Jun 73 59 13.3 10-Jun 60 54 4.3
11-Jun 68 52.7 7.65 11-Jun 71 55 10.3
12-Jun 74 58 13.3 12-Jun 81 58 16.8
13-Jun 83 58 17.8 13-Jun 79 60 16.8
14-Jun 84 59 18.8 14-Jun 76 57 13.8
15-Jun 85 61 20.3 15-Jun 82 53 14.8
16-Jun 91 62 23.8 16-Jun 73 62 14.8
17-Jun 89 67 25.3 17-Jun 75 59 14.3
18-Jun 85 65 22.3 18-Jun 65 52.7 6.15
19-Jun 80 56 15.3 19-Jun 71 52.7 9.15
20-Jun 85 56 17.8 20-Jun 68 54 8.3
21-Jun 87 55 18.3 21-Jun 72 54 10.3
22-Jun 85 66 22.8 22-Jun 76 52.7 11.65
23-Jun 88 66 24.3 23-Jun 74 52.7 10.65
24-Jun 90 68 26.3 24-Jun 64 52.7 5.65
25-Jun 82 66 21.3 25-Jun 69 52.7 8.15
26-Jun 70 52.7 8.65 26-Jun 71 52.7 9.15
27-Jun 70 52.7 8.65 27-Jun 67 52.7 7.15
28-Jun 72 61 13.8 28-Jun 78 52.7 12.65
29-Jun 80 56 15.3 29-Jun 84 58 18.3
30-Jun 85 61 20.3 30-Jun 84 63 20.8
1-Jul 85 59 19.3 1-Jul 84 65 21.8
2-Jul 89 71 27.3 2-Jul 85 64 21.8
3-Jul 89 66 24.8 3-Jul 78 66 19.3
4-Jul 84 63 20.8 4-Jul 81 62 18.8
5-Jul 87 61 21.3 5-Jul 72 58 12.3
6-Jul 85 68 23.8 6-Jul 62 55 5.8
7-Jul 79 65 19.3 7-Jul 67 52.7 7.15
8-Jul 77 62 16.8 8-Jul 77 52.7 12.15
9-Jul 71 61 13.3 9-Jul 80 64 19.3
10-Jul 71 59 12.3 10-Jul 84 62 20.3
11-Jul 76 59 14.8 11-Jul 81 66 20.8
12-Jul 80 58 16.3 12-Jul 85 64 21.8
13-Jul 85 59 19.3 13-Jul 79 67 20.3
14-Jul 77 68 19.8 14-Jul 83 63 20.3
15-Jul 79 63 18.3 15-Jul 84 63 20.8
16-Jul 85 59 19.3 16-Jul 81 66 20.8
17-Jul 79 66 19.8 17-Jul 78 60 16.3
18-Jul 80 56 15.3 18-Jul 78 57 14.8
19-Jul 85 57 18.3 19-Jul 88 68 25.3
20-Jul 83 66 21.8 20-Jul 90 71 27.8
21-Jul 75 62 15.8 21-Jul 94 72 30.3
22-Jul 74 58 13.3 22-Jul 79 61 17.3
23-Jul 79 52.7 13.15 23-Jul 73 55 11.3
24-Jul 81 54 14.8 24-Jul 77 53 12.3
25-Jul 84 68 23.3 25-Jul 79 53 13.3
26-Jul 88 73 27.8 26-Jul 80 55 14.8
27-Jul 83 66 21.8 27-Jul 81 55 15.3
28-Jul 85 63 21.3 28-Jul 78 67 19.8
29-Jul 87 65 23.3 29-Jul 77 58 14.8
30-Jul 86 66 23.3 30-Jul 77 55 13.3
31-Jul 82 63 19.8 31-Jul 79 54 13.8
1-Aug 79 61 17.3 1-Aug 85 61 20.3
2-Aug 78 62 17.3 2-Aug 83 66 21.8
3-Aug 76 61 15.8 3-Aug 82 68 22.3
4-Aug 78 58 15.3 4-Aug 81 60 17.8
5-Aug 75 62 15.8 5-Aug 80 57 15.8
6-Aug 83 62 19.8 6-Aug 87 56 18.8
7-Aug 84 63 20.8 7-Aug 78 61 16.8
8-Aug 82 59 17.8 8-Aug 86 63 21.8
9-Aug 85 60 19.8 9-Aug 82 58 17.3
10-Aug 85 66 22.8 10-Aug 64 54 6.3
11-Aug 81 64 19.8 11-Aug 64 52.7 5.65
12-Aug 84 55 16.8 12-Aug 72 52.7 9.65
13-Aug 84 59 18.8 13-Aug 74 52.7 10.65
14-Aug 87 65 23.3 14-Aug 78 52.7 12.65
15-Aug 93 71 29.3 15-Aug 80 54 14.3
16-Aug 91 72 28.8 16-Aug 76 58 14.3
17-Aug 90 66 25.3 17-Aug 79 58 15.8
18-Aug 91.4 72 29 18-Aug 76 58 14.3
19-Aug 87 73 27.3 19-Aug 74 52.7 10.65
20-Aug 91 71 28.3 20-Aug 72 52.7 9.65
21-Aug 81 62 18.8 21-Aug 74 52.7 10.65
22-Aug 84 56 17.3 22-Aug 83 59 18.3
23-Aug 86 63 21.8 23-Aug 78 54 13.3
24-Aug 91.4 71 28.5 24-Aug 77 62 16.8
25-Aug 86 67 23.8 25-Aug 84 62 20.3
26-Aug 91 69 27.3 26-Aug 78 62 17.3
27-Aug 83 56 16.8 27-Aug 75 59 14.3
28-Aug 88 68 25.3 28-Aug 72 58 12.3
29-Aug 70 55 9.8 29-Aug 73 54 10.8
30-Aug 75 52.7 11.15 30-Aug 78 54 13.3
31-Aug 75 52.7 11.15 31-Aug 86 58 19.3
1-Sep 81 52.7 14.15 1-Sep 85 60 19.8
2-Sep 86 56 18.3 2-Sep 87 67 24.3
3-Sep 69 55 9.3 3-Sep 85 66 22.8
4-Sep 75 52.7 11.15 4-Sep 85 67 23.3
5-Sep 87 52.7 17.15 5-Sep 81 69 22.3
6-Sep 91 64 24.8 6-Sep 73 56 11.8
7-Sep 91.4 63 24.5 7-Sep 68 52.7 7.65
8-Sep 89 61 22.3 8-Sep 69 52.7 8.15
9-Sep 86 61 20.8 9-Sep 76 55 12.8
10-Sep 82 69 22.8 10-Sep 83 61 19.3
2003 Total 2006.55 2004 Total 1601.15

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