Exploring Depth Somatics™

Join the next 8-week program to reclaim your mind-body connection.


Learn practical somatic tools that bridge the gap between mind and body. Disorders of embodiment develop throughout life in response to the regular wear and tear of living, including all of its joys and struggles. Research has started to understand the role of embodiment practices in rebuilding the mind-body relationship and aiding in personal transformation.

Being embodied can be the “undoing of malignant ideals and the birthplace of work toward authentic happiness, meaning, and purpose."

Catherine Cook-Cottone


Our embodied worldview is like an operation manual that directs and controls us each day. It’s like the black box flight recorder on an airplane. It has recorded all of the experiences through our lives in terms of how they have affected our physiology. Understanding how we can change the information being recorded in our black box, will ultimately change the course of our lives and chart us into territories we may have not yet dreamed of.

Exploring Depth Somatics is an 8-week journey into the profound connection between the body and the mind for healing and self-discovery. Through a combination of experiential learning, somatic practices, and time for reflection, this couse delves into the principles of Depth Somatics. You will learn how to cultivate greater awareness of bodily sensations, emotions, and unconscious patterns, allowing for pathways to post-traumatic growth, enhanced emotional mediation, and personal transformation. Each week, we will explore different aspects of somatics, from nervous system regulation to embodiment practices, providing a comprehensive foundation for deepening your understanding of yourself and unlocking the potential for profound healing and growth.

Join us on this transformative journey to embody your fullest potential and explore the depths of your being.

Featured In

  • Ara Lyman, Shala Living Yoga

    “Katie brings a high level of expertise to her teaching,” says Ara Lyman, owner of Shala Living Yoga in Spokane, WA. “She has successfully been able to translate her training into clearly articulated teaching of complex concepts. She is able to work with people one-on-one who are ready to change in ways that help them get more out of the regular group classes we offer.”

  • Rebecca

    I notice how my everyday patterns both in how I move and how I think, prioritize, and make choices, are connected. I’ve learned to orient from a place of moving my body in small ways that add up to an overall feeling of connectedness, where I then feel the agency to do what I want to do.

  • Buck

    After years of desensitizing myself to my body’s sensations and signals, I’m now finally starting to listen. And learn. And feel truly good about who I am and not who I imagine I need to be. Physically, I’m still getting the workout I need. My anxiety has subsided, as have my cravings. I no longer feel as if I’m following a system blindly, but for reasons that are specific to me and not someone else’s standards.

  • Kathy

    I have done Katie’s 12-week session twice, both times were during major transitions in my life. Katie is able to ask just the right question to get me to see something that I hadn’t seen before. I would recommend her coaching to anyone who wants to focus on making positive changes and growing as a person.

  • Chris

    Receiving coaching from Katie was like looking into a crystal clear mirror that offered wise questions, a kind and embracing heart, and compassionate challenging thoughts to look deeper into the truth of my own being. And lots of encouragement and support to be and become the beautiful being that I am.