Art for Good

Your purchase supports Embracing the World, a global network of charitable projects inspired by Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi (Amma).

Visit the Blessed Art Auction

Get Involved

Amma is a visionary humanitarian and spiritual leader who has personally embraced more than 33 million people across six continents.

Each of Embracing the World's projects has been launched to help the world's poor who have come to unburden their hearts and cry on Amma's shoulder. That's where we come in, and you can, too. Receiving Amma's embrace, many feel inspired and want to give something back.

More Ways To Help

The Amma Shop is a unique retail experience in that all profit generated by sales directly supports Amma’s charitable activities. Each purchase you make benefits those in need in very real and tangible ways.

However, if you would like to contribute directly to Embracing the World, Amma’s world-wide network of charitable activities, you may do so by donating via our California 501(c)3 nonprofit branch of the organization. These donations are tax deductible.

By donating here, you can select to support the general fund and your donation will be allotted to the project with the most urgent needs, or you can choose a specific project that is close to your heart.

All donations are completely optional and gratefully received.

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