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Frequently asked questions about UploadThingy


How did you come up with the idea?

Why is it called UploadThingy?

How do I learn more about how this thing works?

Installing UploadThingy

I don't see a form on my site, it just says Loading... with a twirly thing.

I'm getting HTTPS security errors/warnings after adding the UploadThingy HTML code to my page.

I know I entered the correct domain when I grabbed my code, but it's telling me the domain is wrong.

Where can I get the html code for my UploadThingy after I've already signed up?

How do I customize my UploadThingy after I've already grabbed the code?

Can I put my UploadThingy on multiple domains?

Where's my download/admin page?

Can I allow UploadThingy form submissions without file uploads?

What's that code?

Where do I put the code?

All of a sudden it stopped working on my Homestead site!

Will it work on my Wordpress site?

Using UploadThingy

What are those little envelopes for?

What are those little brown stickies in the Info column for?

Which browsers will UploadThingy work on?

Will my UploadThingy work only on my site?

Do I have my own upload file storage area?

What kind of limits are there?

How long are uploaded files available for download?

Where are the files actually being stored?

What counts towards my monthly transfers limit?

Secure SSL encryption

I purchased SSL encryption. Now what?

Where's the SSL encrypted download page?

I put my upload form on a secure page and it's giving me warning messages.


How do I purchase a subscription?

How do I change my subscription?

What happens when I reach my monthly transfer limit?

How do I cancel my subscription?

How do I change the Paypal account or credit card for my subscription?

Customizing UploadThingy

How can I customize my widget?

How can I add more fields to my form?

Can I change the text that is shown after an upload completes?

Can I redirect the user to another page after an upload completes?

How can I redirect the user to a Paypal payment page after upload completes?

I want to limit the size of each upload

I want to allow only certain file types

I want to download all the files from each upload at once (zip file)

I want different forms to send email alerts to different people.

How can I use my own image for the upload button?

How can I change or translate all of the other messages and text that are not in the UploadThingy code?

Can you help me customize my widget?

Please contact us at hello@uploadthingy.com if you have any other questions.

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