La Sicilia, terra avvolta da un'aura di mistero e contraddizioni, si erge come un enigma da decifrare. Tra paesaggi maestosi e antiche rovine, è un territorio ...
Gemitaiz and Noyz Narcos
Nel panorama musicale italiano, due figure emergenti spiccano per il loro impatto e la loro capacità di trasmettere messaggi profondi attraverso la musica: Gemitaiz ...
Images of a suspended, dilated world, populated by relics and emptied of humanity. Suddenly abandoned by its inhabitants confined to the house, in a compound and...
Hacker and privacy
“It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way”: Hacker Perspectives on Privacy We face a lot of troubling times ahead with regards to surveillance. Most of the power, for the ...
«Riuscire a mostrare come tutto è lontano, distante, perso. Metto insieme cronache dal mondo che vedo, giorni di singhiozzi, notti che paiono buoni segnali per il f...
Coronavirus: the risks of social alienation
By now, tou may have noticed a divide among your friends. As social distancing and self-imposed quarantine wear on and more workplaces urge employees to avoid the...
Il Wrestling «Siamo sport-entertainment e non c’è dicitura migliore di questa. Siamo performer in uno show e vi raccontiamo una storia. Ma poi, il tutto, è estr...
This project on the italian community living in Slovenia wants to reveal how a big part of Italians go away from Italy, but is also a painting of Slovenia, a...
“We want to save Western civilisation”
“We want to save Western civilisation” Right-wing firebrand Steve Bannon has a new mission: to take control of the Catholic Church and weaponise the people of ...
Rems | work in progress | The new Italian law was created after conducting the long-term pilot experiments of deinstitutionalization in a number of cities...