
This is the home of the RomeLuv Maps WordPress Plugin.

It allows you to

  • map single points on posts like in this example, [this kind of  map will be automatically embedded  in the post]
  •  display a Global Map of all your posts (filtered by category if you need) in a page (example) [this kind of map is embedded via a shortcode]

In a nutshell: this free WordPress plugin allows you to embed Google Maps into WordPress with new ease and flexibility.

No need for coding, pasting code, geocoding anything – this plugin takes care of all of it. Just enter an address on each post. But read on fully this page to get started!

Google Maps on your blog, the easy way. Start mapping your posts!

Yes, there are lots of Google Maps WordPress Plugins out there, but none of these fulfilled my needs:

  • Automatically placing a Google Map inside every post just writing the address in a provided custom box which is placed under the post content WYSIWYG editor.
    Live example: the Pantheon in Rome (single post map)
    Learn how to do it now reading the plugin tutorial
  • Generating a Global Map with all the posts, placing this global map in a standard WordPress Page via a simple shortcode.
    Live example: Attractions in Rome
    Learn how to place a Global Map of your posts in a page of your blog reading here
  • Filtering the Global Map adding just a category parameter to the URL.
    Live example: Where to eat in Rome
    Just add the parameter like shown above to your page’s URL, where you’ve placed the global map shorttag.

As you can see by the live examples shown before, this plugin was developed for the RomeLuv site, a WordPress blog featuring a cool Google maps implementation to map what we recommend in Rome: bars, cafes, restaurants, attractions…those are just posts in different categories as it is plain to see.

The use of the plugin can be quite large, from building a geoblog to a classifieds site, many WordPress sites can benefit by this simple and fast Google integration plugin. Enjoy. Price is just a small credit link to this page on your global map, should you build one.

Download now! It’s FREE and open source.