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The new official David Delamare website is almost ready!

This spring, Bad Monkey Productions will introduce an exciting new catalog of custom, made-to-order prints on paper, canvas, and metal.


On the same day, the David Delamare Art Preservation Institute will launch a blog about David's life and creative process.


To receive a reminder when the blog and catalog are launched, follow the David Delamare Facebook Page.


Until the launch, the blog and catalog pages will be password-protected. In the meantime, we hope you will read about David, learn about the work of the David Delamare Art Preservation Institute, and explore the first few treasures in the Institute's Archive Gallery.


It's taken a very long time to regroup and rebuild following David's sudden death in September 2016.  But I'm excited about the creative projects ahead and look forward to working with you to realize them.


Thanks for your continued patience and understanding. I wish you and yours a very happy season!



Wendy Ice (David Delamare's widow)


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