FROGSONG COHOUSING is an intentional community of 30 households located in Cotati, California, a small city roughly one hour north of San Francisco.

Though we still have private lives, we've chosen to reside in this tightly knit neighborhood. We share 12-16 meals per month in our common house, which also provides laundry facilities and meeting space. We work together to maintain our lush landscape. We govern ourselves by consensus and resolve our conflicts through dialogue.

Each household occupies a private on-site residence with its own kitchen. The residences are mostly owner-occupied, not rentals.

FrogSong is not a commune or co-op, nor are we affiliated with any religious organization.

"If We Can Find A Way" by Bob Flax
Our Vision Statement (from 2007)

FrogSong: A Cotati CoHousing Community

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