This family is an ANLC success story.

Helping Build Families, One Miracle At A Time®

A Leading Independent Adoption Center providing caring professional adoption services for birth mothers and adoptive parents nationwide.

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Our services are nurturing and loving, and our entire staff is dedicated to helping guide everyone in the adoption triad through the adoption process with integrity and complete support.

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Parenting Information

That moment you get home, with your new little one and all your flowers and balloons, and the doctors and nurses are gone and you ask yourself, “What do I do now?”

Adoption Education & Information Knowledge Hub

Adoption is a unique journey for Adoptive Parents, for Birth Parents and for Adoptees. It is often an uncharted journey as well, which leads to questions and uncertainties. That is why we strongly emphasize the importance of adoption education.

Visit Our Knowledge Hub

Adoption Laws & Information by Region

Before an adoption can take place, there are specific regional laws and qualifications concerning adoption that must be met. To help you navigate the laws, we’ve provided a list of information according to each region.

Hear from our Happy Families Success Stories

It is with sincere gratitude that we send you this note. We cannot begin to thank you all enough for bringing our birthmother and beautiful daughter, Kaylee Marie to us.

- John, Sandra and Kaylee Marie

Our journey began in 2001. We had decided to start IVF cycles because I have severe endometriosis. We completed 4 cycles, and were beginning to feel like it will never work when we discovered I was pregnant!! To add to our joy, we found out that it was twins, a boy and a girl! We were on cloud nine! I had a relatively easy pregnancy at the beginning, I had the glow!! Then, at 22 weeks, I went into labor. Our world came crashing down around us.

- Jay, Kelly and Hayden

I entitle this Story the Miracle of Judah! Walking in the doors of ANLC has changed our lives forever. From the moment I picked up the phone I knew God had a special plan and purpose to show his unconditional Love. Danny and I prayed for fourteen years for Judah and loved him every step of the way. Many might say how can you Love something you cant see or don’t have, but we say Faith and great love made it to the day it would be our turn.

- Daniel and Monica

Our adoption process was rocket fast!! After being active on your website for only one month, our birth mother found us and choose us to raise Isaac. She is truly a wonderful person and kind hearted. She wanted nothing from us but only to raise Isaac and be sure he would have a wonderful life.

- Mel-Jean, William and Isaac

We are so very happy. You have to feel pretty darn good about what you do for people. This match was perfect. We strongly feel that God made Ian for us. He is perfect in every way. We are so deeply in love with him. Marie can’t stop kissing him and Tim loves to just hold Ian from the time he gets home from work to the time he goes to bed. He makes Ian smile and laugh with just glance. The three of us are the happiest family on this earth.

- Tim and Marie

We apologize for the twelve-month delay in getting this necessary “thank you” to everyone. However, you’d be happy to know that this past year has been filled with hours and hours of fun and excitement playing with Tori. In fact, we have sent a picture along of our daughter so you can see first hand how happy she truly is!

- Dawn, Jeremy and Victoria

happiness and sense of completeness that we felt when we held our newborn son
for the first time cannot be put into words.  It was the end of an
adoption journey that began just over a year prior, but it was just the
beginning of our new life as a family.

- David and Ashley

When we first came to Adoption Network Law Center, we never dreamed we would be the parents of two such beautiful happy children. First we were blessed with Lauren 3½ years ago and then again with Spencer this past summer. Initially we were very skeptical as we waited to be matched and kept hearing that “the right child for us hadn’t been born yet”. Although the waiting was difficult, it was only with the help of Adoption Network Law Center that our dreams came true.

- Steve and Megan

Once we arrived in California, I could not have been happier with our decision to go with ANLC. From the hospital to the birthmother housing to the wonderful staff at ANLC, one thing was better than the next. They are a group of caring and knowledgeable people and we never felt lost or confused in the entire process.

- Lucy and Eric

Our innocence was obliterated when our ob/gyn couldn’t find a heartbeat at 12 weeks. We were crushed. Surely this couldn’t be happening to us. Devastating losses happen to other people, but to us?! As we sat at lunch trying to absorb and comprehend the doctor’s words, we agreed to begin the adoption process.

- Sal and Jon


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