Fiduciary company Europa Trust fiduciary company

Europa Trust, fiduciary company

Europa Trust is an independent actor from the banking and financial sector and its partners and founders are professionals. Europa Trust was born in 2012 from the merger of two independent companies acting in the Italian fiduciary arena, Fiduciaria Europea (since 1994) and [Trust] Partners (present in the market since 2005) with the goal of increasing their knowledge and background, and enlarging the palette of services while consolidating its presence in the territory.

The company operates in its several fields of expertise notably, fiduciary, wealth advisory, tax and legal, trust, corporate services.

Europa Trust Spa is a private company by shares duly authorized to the exercise of the fiduciary activity in Italy (under provisions of law 1966/1939) and it is member of the Italian fiduciary companies’ organization (

Fiduciary law in Italy

Italian law 1966, dated the 23rd of November 1939, and its developments, rules the fiduciary activity. Under the provisions of latter law clients’ assets are segregated from the company’s patrimony and, as a consequence, assets held on behalf of clients are protected from any potential risk connected to the fiduciary company’s financial crisis.

In order to grant the outmost level of guarantee of the clients’ interests, Italian law imposes a strict authorization process that is managed by the Ministry of Industry (Ministero delle Attività Produttive) and the Ministry of Justice.

Authorized companies are registered with the Ministry of Industry (

Law Decree n. 141 of the 13th of August 2011 has confirmed the pivotal role of fiduciary companies (under law, 1966/39) by providing that the latter shall fall under the control of the Italian Central Bank (Banca d’Italia) and be duly part of the register governed under provisions of art. 106 of the Bank Law (Testo Unico Bancario). According to above law, Italian Central Bank is in charge of anti money laundering control for fiduciary companies (

financial intermediary