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  • Baba's Birthday 2024
  • Baba's Birthday 2024
  • Baba's Birthday 2024

An Ecstatic Yogi has Arrived

An Ecstatic Yogi has Arrived
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Oh, this bhajan has entered my heart completely!

It has opened me to my true nature. I am dancing and whirling around with such ecstasy and joy that tears of gratitude fill my eyes. I feel as if “An Ecstatic Yogi Has Arrived”—and this yogi is me!

California, United States

This ecstatic bhajan reflects my experience of Baba when I met him in the courtyard at Gurudev Siddha Peeth in 1981. He radiated such stillness, power, and a scintillating joy that seemed to fill the air, the courtyard, and also me. I experienced this scintillating joy as moving through my being and outwards, to what felt like the ends of eternity.

As it says in verse five, “He makes the eternal bliss flow continually.

As I listen to this bhajan and hear the voices of the singers and the liveliness of the drummer, I am celebrating the profound and ecstatic moment that I experienced when I met Baba. It is an experience that lives inside me to this day.

Melbourne, Australia

I had been longing to see and hear the full version of this bhajan. When I visited the website today and found it, I immediately and eagerly started listening to it.
As I listened, I focused my attention on the words of the bhajan and felt so happy and delighted. I started experiencing pools of love for our beloved Baba. As I listened to it again, this time with my eyes closed, I started feeling energy at my muladhara chakra. As I continued to listen, I felt my body moving along with the unfurling movement of the shakti. The experience was so beautiful!

Bhandara, India

This bhajan fills me with delight. It encompasses all that I know and experience about Baba Muktananda. When I found the Siddha Yoga path seventeen years ago, I thought I had found it by accident. It took me a while to understand what I feel now—that it was no accident that I found this path. I think it found me.
Shortly after receiving shaktipat diksha, I was in meditation when I had a vision of myself in a small library in a country house. Suddenly the door opened and a monk came in dressed in an orange robe. He was scintillating with vibrant energy. I knew it was Baba Muktananda from the photographs I had seen. He walked over to a wall and reached up and pointed to it. I soon realized that, for me, this was the gesture of a teacher pointing to a blackboard.
I believe Baba came to tell me that he would be my teacher. Indeed, he has been my teacher, and continues to be.

Havant, United Kingdom

This bhajan carries great meaning for me. Even though I never met Baba in person, I now know that it was he who spoke to me in 1970. I had just entered seventh grade, and I was walking along a sidewalk in my little hometown. Suddenly, I became glued to the spot where I was standing. The world seemed to fall away, and a commanding but not unkind voice exclaimed, "What are you doing? Your life belongs to God!"
I spent the next twenty years trying to understand this message, following many paths, only to know I was still missing the point. Finally, in the early 1990s, "by chance" I met a Siddha Yogi who told me about Gurumayi. I came to Shree Muktananda Ashram and attended my first Intensive—which was in honor of the tenth anniversary of Baba's mahasamadhi. I received shakipat the moment I saw Gurumayi. And when I heard Baba's voice on tape, I finally knew who had called to me all those years ago.

Arkansas, United States

As soon as I began listening to this beautiful bhajan, my eyes closed spontaneously and I was drawn into a beautiful sea of waves of shakti. I experienced a feeling of immense love toward Baba.

Although I did not meet Baba in person, I sensed how much love he must shower on his devotees. I thought about how Baba gave shaktipat and transformed the lives of seekers.

My life has been changed in the same way by a single look from our beloved Gurumayi!

 Bhandara, India

In 1956, the year that Baba attained Self-realization, he appeared to me in a dream. I was eight years old at the time. In the dream Baba wore a Western-style suit, and smiled radiantly and ecstatically. He hugged me so tightly that I thought I would burst!

As I woke from the dream, my heart was pounding, full of his radiance and his ecstasy. It was such a divine experience for an eight-year-old! And of course the dream has stayed with me all these years. It was only after meeting Gurumayi in 1996, forty years later, that I recognized the man in my dream as Baba from his photographs.

This is why the bhajan “An Ecstatic Yogi Has Arrived” has so much meaning for me. I feel that same radiance and ecstasy of Baba’s throughout my whole body just listening to the refrain.


London, United Kingdom

When I heard the melody and lyrics of “An Ecstatic Yogi Has Arrived," describing the supreme state of Baba Muktananda, it touched my heart. As I was singing this bhajan, I was connected to Baba, and I felt more and more love for him. I was just dancing and singing with the feeling of enthusiasm.

Nadiad, India

A long time ago I obtained a cassette tape of this very bhajan. Hearing this again put me in ecstasy, as it always has. It always evokes for me divine love—for God and Guru.

California, United States

Listening to this bhajan brings joy and tears to my eyes and makes my heart happy. It reminds me of Baba’s ecstasy and the joyful state he lived in—always lighthearted. The bhajan keeps reverberating in my whole body.
Happy Baba’s Birthday!

Eastbourne, United Kingdom