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NMA Website

The National Museum of Australia brings to life the rich and diverse stories of Australia through compelling objects, ideas and events

Enhance your Egypt experience

Self-guided tours

Take a free self-guided audio or Auslan tour.

Curators in conversation

Listen to the audio recording from our Curators in conversation event.

Tim and Gina Fairfax Discovery Centre

Open daily, bookings essential. Free for those with Friends memberships.

Tours and experiences

Take a guided tour, try our virtual reality experiences or join a free host talk.

Riding the Olympic Wave: Breakthrough Sports

This exhibition showcases the six new Olympic sports and disciplines of 3x3 basketball, BMX freestyle, breaking, skateboarding, sport climbing and surfing.

Return of the Gweagal Spears

The La Perouse Aboriginal community has been reunited with four spears taken by Lieutenant James Cook in 1770. We are honoured to assist the community with the long-term care of the spears.

Tony Armstrong's Extra-Ordinary Things

Discover more about the new ABC TV series and the Museum exhibition to follow.

2024 Encounters Fellowships

We're excited to welcome six new Encounters Fellows as they begin their professional development opportunity with the Museum.

Mr Squiggle and Friends – the Norman Hetherington collection

The Norman Hetherington collection, which includes beloved children’s television puppet Mr Squiggle, has landed in Canberra after being acquired by the National Museum.

Museum statement on asbestos

Access to the Museum via road and paved pedestrian path remains unchanged while the NCA undertakes remediation as a precautionary public safety measure.

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Your valued donation helps to develop and protect our collection and deliver education programs and exhibitions in Australia and overseas.


Join for free Discovery Centre entry and discounts for major exhibitions and in our Shop.

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