Beautifully balanced, marvelously flexible in phrasing and tempo, with much well-judged space in the phrasing. In addition there is lots of variety in the playing style, with many touches of lightness and humour. The recorded quality is also of the best: everything is crystal-clear all the time, though always favoring the often jaw-dropping performances of the Norwegian/English/Croatian lutenist Jadran Duncumb.
David Fallows (Gramophone September 2023)

Listeners are spoilt for choice in this music, but what makes this new recording stand out, apart from the striking excellence of the recorded sound, is the nimble playfulness of Duncumb’s lute playing and the warm Italian sun which Rasi and friends shine upon Dowland’s inspiration.
David McDade (MusicWeb International October 2023)

I don’t know another recording that better presents the stately cheer of The King of Denmarks Galiard, one of Dowland’s most memorable melodies. […] The repertoire will be familiar to fans of Dowland’s melancholy works. Nonetheless I highly recommend this disc for such listeners.
Michael Ullman (Fanfare Magazine Jan/Feb 2024)


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