Proposal Evaluation

We're thrilled to announce that our call for abstracts is now closed, and our team is hard at work evaluating the proposals. Stay tuned, as the selection process will be complete by May 1st. Authors of accepted proposals will be notified promptly after this date. Thank you for your submissions, and we look forward to presenting an exciting program at PNSQC 2024!


The Future is Now

Mark your calendar!

Join us for the 42nd annual PNSQC from October 14-16, 2024.

We're diving headfirst into the future of quality as we explore cutting-edge trends, innovative technologies, and forward-thinking strategies that shape the quality landscape today.


Upcoming Events

PNSQC June Meetup - Quality Beyond Testing

Quality Beyond Testing: Jenkins to GitHub Actions Migration for O...

PNSQC July Meetup

Please join us for this month’s meetup.
This will be...

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Remote Presentations

image of webcamMissed the latest PNSQC Meetup on Agile Politics? Philip Lew did too, and in his latest blog, he dives into the nuances of effective remote presentations. From camera positioning and distance to standing versus sitting, movement, and background settings, he shares insights to elevate your presence.

Whether you're a seasoned presenter or new to remote speaking, discover practical tips to enhance your delivery and connect with your audience to make your remote presentations shine!


"The end of an era"

Valuable People: The Core Asset of an Inclusive Organization | AI Art  Generator | Easy-Peasy.AIIn the wake of the closure of Women Who CODE, we at PNSQC are deeply saddened by the loss and the underlying lack of support for women in the tech industry. It's disheartening to see initiatives aimed at empowering diverse women in technology careers deemed as "frivolous" due to funding constraints. Despite progress, women still remain vastly underrepresented in the technical workforce.

At PNSQC, we believe that women deserve equal opportunities in the tech sector, recognize the invaluable contributions of women, and are committed to fostering an inclusive community where they feel empowered and supported.


The 41st PNSQC Award Winners, Keynotes +

WOW!! Pacific Northwest Software Quality Conference (PNSQC) hosted its 41st Conference and what a grand success it was.

It showcased 4 Keynotes, 31 technical papers by practitioners, 4 panel discussions, and 8 half-day workshops along with other activities. The conference moved to a new venue that offered ample networking and a feel of downtown Portland. It was a lot of fun. 

Thanks again to our fabulous sponsors, dedicated Paper Reviewers, Volunteers, attendees, and Board Members for making the Pacific NW Software Quality Conference so great.


2023 Amp It Up: Transforming Quality

Watch the 2023 Conference Keynotes on the PNSQC YouTube channel. With so many talks, panels, and discussions packed into two days, there's a lot you may want to revisit. Get inspired, learn from a speaker's tips or insights, and share a video with your team or colleagues.

Congratulations to our top three speakers nominated and evaluated by their peers at the conference.

Keynotes, Invited Speakers, Presentations and Events

The conference always has a variety of industry-recognized keynote speakers, invited speakers, and panel discussions on key topics of today and tomorrow. There will also be lightning sessions, workshops, and social events. Interesting Conference Papers, Presentations, and Posters will provide new ideas and insights that can be applied upon returning to work. The conference is also complemented by a full day of workshops, allowing a deep dive into topical and interesting subjects. Look for more details to unfold over the next few months while the conference agenda is finalized.

Tracks Abound

The Program Committee is putting a lot of energy and enthusiasm into the tracks this year. Having more speakers and shorter breaks was a popular change for last year that will be carried forward this year. The tracks cover a wide range of topics designed to interest managers, developers, testers, and other engineering professionals.

2024 Sponsors


Goldfinger Holdings DevOps & Agile Solutions

Sponsors and Partners

Contact Bill Opsal for information about opportunities to support the conference while sharing your brand with attendees. Financial support may qualify for tax deductions as PNSQC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit.