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MySQL NDB Cluster replication: Dual-channel replication for redundancy

Learn how to setup MySQL NDB Cluster replication using redundancy to continuously replicate data and be fully online during upgrade and maintenance.

Using the component_keyring_encrypted_file Encrypted File-Based Keyring Component in MySQL

The component_keyring_encrypted_file keyring component is advanced, flexible and have fewer restrictions than the keyring_encrypted_file plugin. It can be loaded using the manifest and configuration file.

Introducing Keyring Components in MySQL

The keyring components are advanced, flexible and have fewer restrictions than the keyring plugins. And all it requires is a few simple steps to switch.

Using the component_keyring_file File-Based Keyring Component in MySQL

The component_keyring_file keyring component is advanced, flexible and have fewer restrictions than the keyring_file plugin. It can be loaded using the manifest and configuration file.

Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Vault Keyring Component in MySQL Heatwave

The component_keyring_oci keyring component is advanced, flexible and have fewer restrictions than the keyring_oci plugin. It can be loaded using the manifest and configuration file.

Using JavaScript to Search JSON Arrays in MySQL

MySQL Enterprise and MySQl HeatWave now support writing stored functions and procedures using JavaScript. In this post we show how to tap into the power of JavaScript to easily search an array for a particular value.

MySQL 8.4 First Peek

MySQL 8.4 has now been officially released, and this is a quick review of what is in the release notes. This is momentous as it is designated a Long-Term Support (LTS) release. Various 8.0 releases introduced material changes that impacted speed and stability, causing hair-pulling and swearing among those affected. Please note this is a […]

MySQL 8.4 LTS – new production-ready defaults for InnoDB

Yesterday, MySQL 8.4, the very first LTS version of MySQL was released.

A lot of deprecations have finally been removed, and several InnoDB variable default values have been modified to match current workloads and hardware specifications.

The default value of 20 InnoDB variables has been modified!

Let’s have a look at those variables and explain the reason for such modification:


Previous Value: ON
New Value (8.4 LTS): OFF if MADV_DONTDUMP is supported
else ON

MADV_DONTDUMP is a macro supported in Linux 3.4 and later, (“sys/mman.h” header file is present and contains the symbol MADV_DONTDUMP, a …

[Read more]
Viewing MySQL Document Store Queries in HeatWave Using Database Management

Using the new support for MySQL HeatWave in Oracle Cloud Database Management, we can see what queries are executed when we run commands using MySQL Document Store. Keep reading to find out how.

Consistent Lookup Vindex: Achieving Data Consistency without 2PC

Vindex # Vitess uses Vindexes (short for Vitess Index) to associate rows in a table with a designated address known as Keyspace ID. This allows Vitess to direct a row to its intended destination, typically a shard within the cluster. Vindexes play a dual role: enabling data sharding through Primary Vindexes and facilitating global indexing via Secondary Vindexes. Through this mechanism, Vindexes serve as an indispensable tool for routing queries in a sharded database, ensuring optimal performance and scalability.

Showing entries 1 to 10 of 43556
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