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Welcome to PepTalk 2025

The Protein Science and Production Week

Join us at PepTalk, the premier conference dedicated to advancing biotherapeutic discovery and development. With over two decades of experience, PepTalk provides comprehensive programming and innovative solutions that bridge biotherapeutic research and practical application. Throughout the week, precise and dedicated pipelines offer symposia, conference tracks, and training seminars focused on protein expression, production platforms, lab automation for higher throughput, analytical methods including developability and characterization, antibody discovery and development, and new this year, targeted therapies and drug delivery systems. Learn from expert speakers, engage with a devoted community, and gain valuable tools to propel your research forward.  

Experience four days of immersive learning, world-class presentations, poster sessions, keynotes, BuzZ roundtable sessions, panel discussions, exhibitions, and unparalleled networking opportunities.

200 Presentations
100 Posters
1000 Participants
75 Exhibitors



Fireside Chat:
Supporting and Driving Biotech: Past, Present and Future

Jennifer Giottonini Cayer, CBO

Jennifer Giottonini Cayer
CBO Pulmocide; Board of Directors, UCSD Moores Cancer Center and Biocom California

Carter A. Mitchell, PhD

Carter A. Mitchell, PhD
CSO, Purification & Expression, Kemp Proteins, LLC

Deborah Moore-Lai, PhD

Deborah Moore-Lai, PhD
Senior Director, Protein Development & Production, Abcam

Eric Vajda, PhD

Eric Vajda, PhD
Vice President, Preclinical R&D, OmniAb


Keynote Presentation:
Protein and Gene Therapy Biotherapeutics:

Biophysics, Simulations and Analytical Tools to Shed Light on Biomanufacturability and Downstream Bioprocessing Opportunities

Steven M. Cramer, PhD

Steven M. Cramer, PhD
William Weightman Walker Professor, Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute