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Welcome to! As it suggests, it is as easy as Debian.

This website is aimed at providing simple and easy help, tips and tricks and valuable support articles to Debian user community ranging from beginners to Experts.

About Linux

Linux is a free Unix-type operating system originally created by Linus Torvalds with the assistance of developers around the world. Developed under the GNU General Public License, the source code for Linux is freely available to everyone.

Structure of Linux

The Structure of Linux has four main components as follows:

  •     The Linux kernel    

  •     The File-system organization

  •     The multi-user concept

  •     The GUI system

A brief history of Debian Linux

Debian was founded in 1993 by Ian Murdock, then a student at Purdue University, who wrote the Debian Manifesto which called for the creation of a Linux distribution to be maintained in an open manner, in the spirit of Linux and GNU. He chose the name by combining the first name of his then-girlfriend (now wife) Debra with his own first name "Ian", forming the portmanteau "Debian", pronounced as debian (deb-e′-en).

The Debian Project grew slowly at first and released its first 0.9x versions in 1994 and 1995. The first ports to other architectures were begun in 1995, and the first 1.x version of Debian was released in 1996. In 1996, Bruce Perens replaced Ian Murdock as the project leader. At the suggestion of fellow developer Ean Schuessler, he guided the editing process of the Debian Social Contract and the Debian Free Software Guidelines, defining fundamental commitments for the development of the distribution. He also initiated the creation of the legal umbrella organization Software in the Public Interest.

Bruce Perens left in 1998 before the release of the first glibc-based Debian, 2.0. The Project proceeded to elect new leaders and made two more 2.x releases, each including more ports and more packages. APT was deployed during this time and the first port to a non-Linux kernel, Debian GNU/Hurd, was started as well. The first Linux distributions based on Debian, Corel Linux and Stormix's Storm Linux, were started in 1999. Though no longer developed, these distributions were the first of many distributions based on Debian.

In late 2000, the Project made major changes to archive and release management, reorganizing software archive processes with new "package pools" and creating a testing branch as an ongoing, relatively stable staging area for the next release. In 2001, developers began holding an annual conference called Debconf with talks and workshops for developers and technical users.

Debian Releases

The sweet part of the releases is that the names are all derived from the movie "Toy Story" by Pixar. Sounds kiddish isn't? But, we love it!!!

Release Date of Release Code Name
Debian 7.0 (Latest Stable) 04 May 2019 Wheezy
Debian 6.0 06 February 2011 Squeeze
Debian 5.0 14 February 2009 Lenny
Debian 4.0 8 April 2007 Etch
Debian 3.1 6 June 2005 Sarge
Debian 3.0 19 July 2002 Woody
Debian 2.2 15 August 2000 Potato
Debian 2.1 March 9th, 1999 Slink
Debian 2.0 July 24th, 1998 Hamm
Debian 1.3 June 5th, 1997 Bo
Debian 1.2 December 12th, 1996 Rex
Debian 1.1 June 17th, 1996 Buzz
Debian 1.0 Never released -
Debian 0.93R6 November 1995 -
Debian 0.93R5 March 1995 -
Debian 0.91 January 1994 -
Debian 0.01 through 0.90 August-December 1993 -


Debian Supported Hardware list can be found here


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